View Full Version : uti or something else

24-06-15, 18:27
A few days ago I went to doctors complaining of uti symptoms. They tested my urine and for a small amount of leukocytes and blood ... no nitrates though. She said since i had two out of the three she figured uti. Gave me a priscription for 3 days of antibiotics. Finished the prescription and the day after I started having symptoms again. Called Dr to see if maybe they could give me another round of antibiotics and the nurse called back saying Dr wants me to come in. I am freaking out. Of course my mind goes to all the ugly places. What of is C or my kidneys, what if it is this or that all of them being bad things. I want to have the courage to go see my doctor, but I am panicking at the thought. I am so disgusted with myself for being such a coward.

Gary A
24-06-15, 18:48
They probably want to send a urine sample for analysis to check which type of bacteria it is. I really wouldn't freak out over this, sometimes it's just a bacteria that needs a different type of antibiotic to fight it off, no point in giving you the same antibiotic that never worked.

24-06-15, 18:55
The nurse said the doc wanted to do a check up. I am terrified to even go in.

25-06-15, 02:07
They probably want to send a urine sample for analysis to check which type of bacteria it is. I really wouldn't freak out over this, sometimes it's just a bacteria that needs a different type of antibiotic to fight it off, no point in giving you the same antibiotic that never worked.

I sucked it up and went to the doctors appointment. They took urine and told me it was worse. They're sending it off for a culture, but in the mean time they gave a shot of antibiotics and prescribed me Augmentin twice a day for seven days.

If that doesn't start working they want me to come back in. I'm praying it works. Thanks for the response I appreciated it :)