View Full Version : Any mummy's with social anxiety?

25-06-15, 18:55
Hi I'm 38 years old with two little boys. I have social anxiety and would like to get to know other mummy's with social anxiety x

26-06-15, 20:00
hi yes I am mum to a 4 year old boy and 6 month old little girl and i have social anxiety.

27-06-15, 18:01
Hi Rachel1:)

Thanks for the reply. I don't know about you but being a mum with social anxiety is tough. I have a nearly four year old and a nearly two year old. I live in Yorkshire but originally from Kent. Because of the social anxiety I find it really hard to make new friends. It would be really nice to get to know other mums who are in the same boat as me and to be able to talk about SA openly as it's something I won't share with anybody other than my partner as fear of people thinking I'm crackers lol. But also just to talk about anything in general really So if ever you wanna chat feel free to PM me xx

24-07-15, 12:31

I'm a mummy to an almost 3 year old and have had social anxiety for a long time. Sometimes it's not as hard as others but just at the moment it's tough and I feel so guilty I don't take my little girl to all the places I used to and have to rely on others to do it for me. Feel free to PM me xx

30-07-15, 13:06
Hi I'm 46 mum to 3 children and I suffer with anxiety , two of my kids have left home, just got one daughter at home now she's 14. I've also got a grandson age 3.

27-08-15, 21:21
Hi, I'm 29 and mummy to 3 girls (5,4,1) I suffer from anxiety (don't know if it's social) but I can't take my girls to school on my own or pick them up because I get panic attacks, it's horrid, especially since my eldest is now starting to pick up on it! I'm always about if anyone wants a chat :)

08-09-15, 15:55
I'm nearly 39 and have a 6 year old daughter. I suffer with social anxiety :-( I find mixing with the mums at the school very hard and I'm convinced they all think i'm odd/unsociable

15-05-16, 14:31
hi r u still looking for a friend please mail me if u are

20-05-16, 09:32
Hi Chellebelles

I'm 37, with two children. I'm bipolar but have always had cycles of social anxiety alongside that. I'd love to chat if you're still looking for a pen pal x

13-06-16, 19:35
I have a 9/year old and I have social anxiety, it can be difficult to raise a child with it. It is nice to talk to people that understand.