View Full Version : Operation tomorrow - terrified!

25-06-15, 19:52
I'm going in to have my gall bladder removed tomorrow and I'm completely petrified :unsure:

I've never had an operation before. I'm terrified that I won't wake up from the anaesthetic or something will go wrong with the procedure.

It's keyhole surgery and I should be allowed to go home tomorrow evening. I know it's a common surgery but I can't stop thinking about what could go wrong, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

My anxiety is going through the roof, I feel like I'm going to break down!

25-06-15, 20:11
hi there :-)

My mom had this surgery, as well as my dad and grandma... all of them did great! My mom was on her feet the next day.

You're allowed to be anxious about something you have need been through before... and if you accept that, you will probably start to calm down a bit.

I've been under anesthesia before myself... if nothing else, you will FINALLY feel SUPER RELAXED. Wait until you wake up.. you're going to feel REAL good lol

Good luck you can do it!

25-06-15, 20:16
good luck the fear of the unknown is always scary, but once this waiting stage is out the way which is most definately the worse bit then you think why was i so scared and worried it really wasnt that bad best of luck your be fine

25-06-15, 20:19
I've had my gall bladder removed in the days when it was major surgery, keyhole is much much better. Just think no more pain afterwards.It's natural to be anxious so try not to worry toomuch. Best of luck I'll be thinking of you

25-06-15, 20:31
I've had 17 surgeries, Some emergencies. Nothing can go wrong, that is TV drama. Even 30 years ago when I lost my spleen I was put on life support while they patched me up and put some blood back in me. After the operation they started my heart again, shut the machines off and here I am.

You will be fine.

25-06-15, 20:35
Like some of the others responding, I had several surgeries from a minor hernia to open heart surgery. Yeah, I get it, it's a bit stressful but they'll give you some really good drugs to help relax you and you won't have a care in the world ~lol~ Next thing you know you'll be waking up and it will be over.

Positive thoughts

25-06-15, 20:58
Thanks everyone :) it's good to have an outlet where you know people understand.

As much as your messages mean a lot, I'm still going out of my mind. No matter how much you try and rationalise, you always convince yourself you're going to be that one rare case, don't you?

Will post an update tomorrow!

25-06-15, 21:55
for sure you always think what if somethign goes wrong what if i dont wake up bla bla blah but the odds r so slim of anything going wrong especially from key hole surgery your be fine tomorrow replying on here saying how worried u was for nothing best of luck it will be fine fears are only bad thoughts and bad thoughts always end up being alot worse than things are in real life x

25-06-15, 22:39
I never worried about dying on the table cause I'd never know. I worried about the people I'd be leaving behind

25-06-15, 22:40
Hello I'm currently waiting for the same operation, seeing the consultant on the 14th. I totally understand your fears I have the same. You will be fine. It's the most common operation performed these days. Please come back and let us know how it all went. Wishing you good health ��

26-06-15, 15:31
Hi everyone :)

Just back on the ward. Bit groggy and sore and VERY tired but alive!

I honestly thought I was going to pass out with anxiety this morning. I was shaking and on edge and I nearly backed out. I cried when they gave me the anaesthetic but everyone has been so nice and reassuring.

I have to stay in overnight as I have a drain in one of my incisions but they said everything went to plan so I should be able to go home tomorrow.

Thanks all for your kind messages :)

26-06-15, 15:40
That's wonderful.
Thanks for updating and letting us know, you're fine and the op went well.
It will help other people. Xx

26-06-15, 17:18
So glad you are feeling better,I had a drain as well nothing to it

26-06-15, 22:38
Great news. All the best for your recovery.

27-06-15, 08:28
I bet it wasn't half as bad as the build up and worry I it was it glad your ok :)