View Full Version : Health Anxiety from bereavement

25-06-15, 19:55

I have just joined this forum as I am looking for a bit of help.

I am 35 yr old male. I think I have suffered from mild HA in the past, but once I have read about panic and anxiety it has kind of helped so I wouldn't say I've ever considered posting in here or seeing doctor or whatever.

However, my father passed away on Friday, very suddenly, he was 56 and outwardly very fit and healthy, never smoked, social drinker and was not overweight. He died whilst trying to smash his personal best in his rowing machine at home - the post morten said something about a thin aorta or something - haven't got the exact details. Also he was adopted and it seems his biological grandfather died of a heart attack at 57.

Now, I am overweight and have been striving for the last few months to eat better and exercise more, I eat a healthy diet at a calorie deficit and have taken up cycling, all what I thought was positive change - in fact my dad was a role model to me in how to live. Since his passing, I am terrified of having 'bad genes' and that my efforts are futile, as if he can die at 56 whilst fit what hope do I have!? I also seem to have developed a fear of exercising due to the circumstances of his death.

I have not been to the doctors since I was about 16 for an eye problem, so I think I am also very apprehensive about going as I don't know what else could be lurking in my body! I don't even belong to a doctors surgery and have no idea what to do to join one although I imagine it is quite straightforward. I know my dad had high blood pressure and was on medication for it, not sure about cholesterol, all I know is that I considered him fit and healthy yet died doing something we are all told us good for us. I just feel doomed!

25-06-15, 20:20
Your still young enjoy yourself and stay eating healthy it isnt always passed down by the genes, But you should go to the doctors and just get checked over explain about the thing with your dad and grandfather, and they will do detailed check on your heart blood etc, You have to think your dad was 20 years your age, which is 20 years of living enjoy your life and do everything to keep yourself healthy not worrying about if ur gonna pop your clogs when u could get hit a bus tomorrow enjoy dude