View Full Version : does anyone else feel like this?

30-01-07, 20:23
Does anyone else feel as if they have like electric feelings in their head, or vibration/shaking feeling?

I feel like i really am going mad even tough i've seen loads of doctors.

I also had a really weird visual thing like out the corner of my eye the light on my friends face went er dizzy looking with slight lines? Then that happened again when i turned quickly and saw the same thing on our cream walls. It scared me so much, along with everything else i've been in tears all day wondering what it could be.

I can kind of accept what i've been told that the weird sensations in my head are anxiety as if i can forget them i don't get them but if i get something new like today i'm back to square one and i'm so freaked and scared and don't know where to turn.

I actually feel ok physically otherwise today and thats the thing isn't it? People say if it was something it'd just get worse not come and go for months/years but i can't rationalise it.

I want to be the old bubbly self i was for my family but i just can't cos i think the worst all the time.

I veer from looking on websites like this to the damaging self diagnosis sites which send me panicking. I'm terrified of any brain disorder especially ones where theres no symptoms as that would be it!

So as you can tell i have ocd and anxiety - -didn't even know it was called health anxiety. Can anyone help? How do you not panic about things that could happen to anyone, but yet the average person doesn't worry - how? Thanks for reading my incredibly long rambling rant. X

30-01-07, 20:51
the average person does worry but but their anxiety levels are not the same as someone with an anxiety disorder.they can rationalise it quicker an stop the worrying quicker ther hormones etc arent up the shoot like ours.
you said how can you not worry about something that can happen to anyone?
well by knowing how often in a percentage of people it happens to and if it were to happen what ever it is, they wouldnt be alone and its not worth worrying about something that might only have a
0.2% chance or whatever of happening
you have to put things in that perspective eg what are the chances of that kind of thing
also doctors know what theyre are on about theyre trained etc even the if you dont trust one there are always another ok
i hope this helps hun you feel better soon
take care j

30-01-07, 20:58
Thank you, yes your right, its all about putting things in perpective isn't it. ta

30-01-07, 23:23
Hi Pink

I have felt just like you and at that time there are no rationale reasons however hard you try.

Been yourself will happen again hun but you wont be the old you, you will be a stronger much more you that has learnt the hard way, but in the long run it wont have hurt you, just given you the strength that we have all gained.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

31-01-07, 16:11
Hi there,
I have suffered with anxiety for about 7 years and its only been in the past 4 years that I have received treatment. I just did not know what my symptoms were I thought I was just nervous person then something traumatic happened and it was down hill from there. Anyway to cut a long story short I started to get health anxiety over the past 3 years and have read the posts on the health anxiety site and cant believe how many people think the same way as me. My anxiety was result of a boyfriend staying in hospital for about a year on and off and then my being rushed to hospital for suspected 'appendicitis' although following a 3 day stay in hospital found out it was Constipation!!! Now whenever i get a pain in that region I am obsessed with my appendix bursting and various other hospital related scenarios. I laugh at myself as if I didnt I would cry!! During my time of extreme anxiety I convinced myself of cancer etc. during this I had a lot of visual disturbances such as you have described and it is difficult to accept that it really is just anxiety and I also fear that I will 'go back like that'
In the end I kind of got sick of myself keep thinkin these things and hopefully you will too. My psychiatrist and counsellor have helped. What you really need is guidance from someone like this who can help you to try and think in a different way ...


07-02-07, 17:13
thank you so much. yes i've got to yhe point where i'm annoying myself - and sick of hearing myself constantly ask for reassurance. thank you for your support. x

28-09-07, 17:08
Hi i know what you mean with the feeling in your head i get the same someimes im not even feeling that anixos but wham out of no where it happens had it happen a few times sometimes worse then others just keep saying its aniexty and try and forget it .

28-09-07, 21:08
I saw a neurologist for the same type of feelings. Mine was also accompanied with flashes of light in my vision. Everything checked out A-OK however and they said that sometimes with anxiety you can experience these types of things. It never makes it easier to be told that however. Sometimes an acutal diagnose would make us feel better wouldnt it!?

28-09-07, 21:23
hello yes i had the lines and funny shadow things aswell. it was so bad i went to the optitions but as i thought my eyes were fine, so i guessing its mr panic coming to make his presance known. Another part of PA i guess?? x

Elly 2
30-09-07, 12:26
Hi, I don't know if this might help but did you know that you can have migraine without having the headache. The visual symptoms and feeling in your head are typical of migraine without the headache and I must add are NOT serious. Hope this is of some help x