View Full Version : on holiday and HA kicked in over lymph nodes

25-06-15, 20:01
On holiday with my family, HA kicked in over a node side of my neck, it is pea like and moveable, Dr checked this few months and said it was OK but I am scared as it is still there, I calmed down, then I found two others, one each side above collar bone, again small, moveable/squidgy. None can been seen only felt, but my HA has kicked in from nowhere and I can't reassure myself and am convinced these nodes are cancer, I just want to enjoy my holiday, should I be worried about these nodes?

25-06-15, 20:14
you have answered your own question small movable and soft, And cannot be seen only felt, They are nothing you just are aware of them , if they was cancer they would be hard large and not soft or movable so enjoy ur holiday dont touch them dont feel them forget about them dont be silly and ruin your holiday , i done the same over a mouth ulcer on holiday a while ago, and ruined 2 days of my holiday, i regret it as it cleared up as soon as i got back, Honestly dude they r fine , enjoy your holiday

26-06-15, 14:47
Thanks for the reply, so are lymph nodes like I explained nothing to worry about? No matter how long they have been there?

26-06-15, 22:25
Nope absolutely fine normal if u stop touching them there even be so rare that you won't even notice them ur fine :) 100%

27-06-15, 11:01
Thank you for the replies, you have reassured me and calmed me down so thank you! Now time to enjoy my holiday :D

27-06-15, 11:53
Whoa I am dealing with this exact thing right now. Is it on the back of your neck like near your ear, on your hairline? I felt a small squishy thing there a few months ago and was obsessed with it for a few days. My HA has been in overdrive the past few weeks and I was about to make a post about this! I even made a dr appointment for Monday. Mine feels like it's under the skin. Does yours hurt a little if you apply pressure?

27-06-15, 12:38
Yes go and enjoy your holiday glad i helped , ....it hurts because your prodding and poking it like u said its small and squishy which is absolutely fine your anxiety is making u focus on it and then when u find these nodes you google then it brings up the worse things possible been there done that worn the t Shirt it will past stop touching stop prodding stop making it inflamed and sore