View Full Version : cant cope .

26-06-15, 10:16
I have had health anxiety for years now had every test possible but still can't calm the fear of heart attack or problems with heart. How can every test be normal yet I still get chest pain everyday it's a constant thing even when I'm not anxious. I can't cope anymore with this fear taking over my life . My last echo was done in 2013 and it was normal. Every day it's some kind of pains in chest along with pressure feeling it's wearing me down. Don't know what to do anymore.cxx

26-06-15, 10:20
If you was gonan have a heart attack you would have it u wouldnt be sitting there worrying about it for ages if u are anxious and paranoid all the time youw will be producing excess acid that will be causing chest pain chill and relax you are not gonna have a heart attack

26-06-15, 10:27
Thanks. It's just the constant fear that is taking a toll on me. I'm just at breaking point with the chest pain I rarely go outside anymore because of the pain and the palpitations . I don't want to be like this anymore. I want my life back

26-06-15, 10:56
i used to be the same about my heart , but i read online that if was going to have a heart attack that would just have one wouldnt be sit there thinking about it and worrying about it if your thinking and worrying about it happening with chest pain and that chances are its just anxiety, And then i swopped my anxiety about my heart to cancer haha such a weirdo lol i hate anxiety lol
your fine dont worry about it like i said if u was gonna have one you would have one already you woudlnt be sitting there worrying about ti for hwoever long you have