View Full Version : Sore throat

26-06-15, 11:48
hi, I went to the dr 2 weeks ago with an on off sore throat. She gave me omeprazole as I have had awful heartburn/acid for a while which she thinks is causing it. I also have post nasal drip & bad hay fever at the moment. After I started the omeprazole my throat felt much better after about 3 days it was gone. Yesterday my throat started again & is really really worrying me. I have to keep swallowing & it feels dry & scratchy. Has anyone had anything similar or got any advice please?

Chrissie x

26-06-15, 12:36
i had same sorta thing couple years back, do u wake up every morning very spitty like white acid foam my throat used to play havoc in mornin when i wake up the more aware of your throat the more tight and weird it feels try not think of it and it will soon go

26-06-15, 14:07
No, strangely enough I wake up & it's fine. It's later on I feel like that & have to keep swallowing then my throat starts hurting. I know I shouldn't panic but it's so hard not to.

27-06-15, 00:29
In all honesty, it sounds like allergies. Have you tried little reliefs, like cough drops?

Environment could play a role - if you're in a dry place, it can cause your throat to hurt.

I'd not worry too much as there are so many things that can cause your throat to feel a bit off, and 99% of them are totally harmless. Try to keep your mind off of it for a while and see how you feel in a week or two before you head back to the doctor.

27-06-15, 08:32
Do you feel like you have I keep swallowing even tho you feel like ur not even swallowing nothing if u get me like, I also had that where I would swallow over and over and the throat muscles would tightnen up on me and It's from acid or nasal drip with a panic disorder very common and where you are concentrating on it slot more it's a hell of slot worse it's nothing bad don't worry

27-06-15, 09:33
Thanks for the replies.

I've taken my antihistamines yesterday & today which help a lot. I can feel it all dripping from my nose into my throat (sorry)

That describes it perfectly, & the more I do it the more I panic & so it continues. Would love to feel normal, my friend said she has a permanent headache & sore throat during hay fever season & doesn't give it a second thought. I would love to be like that.

27-06-15, 13:27
Back when I had HA really badly, I actually loved having a sore throat or the flu. I know it's weird, but to me those were "normal" illnesses - I could easily explain my symptoms to others without concerning anyone, I could easily go to the doctor and he could see that something was wrong and help me fix it. It was much easier to tolerate than all the other twitches and twangs that I had trumped up to being something really serious but that no one else could really see or understand.

I'm sure those antihistaimes will help you out and you'll get to feeling better.


28-06-15, 12:11
That makes absolute sense poppy. That is how I feel a lot of the time. I think mine is allergies. Throat was fine after my antihistamine in the morning & sneezing & everything calmed down, by late evening sneezing & eyes itching & sore throat was back. Now just to keep telling myself ITS JUST HAYFEVER & actually believe it x