View Full Version : One sided headaches, question for sufferers?

26-06-15, 11:55
I am actually not freaking out about this one as much as I am trying to get advice from some folks on the Internet without googling and then freaking out.

I, occasionally, wake up with bad headaches, usually on my left side and I am reasonably certain it is when I crank me head and neck badly while sleeping. Right now I have one that is barely being touched by two Tylenol, and as such I am awake at 4 am (yay!).

At home I have a decent orthopedic pillow which seems to help prevent these, but forgot it for this business trip. They are not something I can find in a shop, as I have to order it.

Does anyone else get these? I can dodge them and such for days at a shot even on other pillows, but I am currently reminded how much they suck. I am actually fairly proud of not jumping straight yo aneurism or brain tumor, but that does not mean it doesn't suck.

My mom actually gets terrible migraines and wonder if this could be that? Would be interested in hearing fromeople who have suffered with waking to one rides headaches.

Gary A
26-06-15, 12:01
Migraines are typically one sided so it could be that. I think it would be wise to visit a doctor if they persist, migraines are quite easily treated. Even if it's related to sleeping positions etc, you may be referred to a physiotherapist for tips on how to sleep and aids to prevent you sleeping the position that's causing all the bother.

26-06-15, 12:07
I'm 32 & had that for years. I remember having 3 days off school with my 1st migraine in year 7 so 11 or 12. Since then I often wake up with headache. From full on migraine with dizziness, vomiting to pain one one side over my eye or pain/ tightness at the back & sides of my head. Mine are caused by tiredness & disturbed sleep ( I have little ones) & hormones ( sorry not sure if you're a lady or a man ��) & when I sleep on my front I get neck ache & headache.

26-06-15, 12:17
I'm actually male, 44. Normally I would be freaking out, but I am really just upset that my sleep is shot. I have a busy day. In the past ibuprofen is what I take for these and of course I didn't pack it, just Tylenol, oh well. If I got them everyday I would be worried, but they once in a while, and could be anxiety related as I am pretty far into it (not hypochondria this time, other causes). So far, anyway, I don't get them more than a few times a month, but they are substantial when I do.

27-06-15, 00:23
It could very well be a migraine. I don't really get any other headaches besides migraines (in varying degrees of intensity) and they are always in the same place - right over my left eye.

My migraines are caused by a number of things, but if I sleep badly it does trigger them as well.

Can you go out to a drugstore and get different pain pills? My neurologist suggested Aleve to me. I have a prescription for Sumatriptan (generic Immetrex) which I am supposed to take with Aleve if I get an aura and am anticipating a really bad headache. Otherwise Aleve is usually enough to at least bring the intensity down. I used to take just the Sumatriptan for any one I got, but sometimes the side effects make me feel cummier than the headache so I only take it if I think I'm really going to need it.

I hope you get to feeling better!!