View Full Version : Throat so numb and dry I struggle to swollow!

26-06-15, 17:17
I have had a dodgy throat for a while which started with pain outside the throat, in the adams apple and thyroid areas, it wasnt inside the throat like a sore throat at this stage but was painful outside throat if that makes sense. It then progressed to being very painful to swollow and clicking when i swollow, still outer throat. I had this for about a month and mentioned it to the doctor when i was there on 2 occasions for various things, the doctor didnt really agknowlegde it as anything on either occasion and said they dont think its anything.

Anyway, I had a short sleep last night and after a couple of hours woke up with my throat really dry literally numb (inside throat now). When I say numb its like a cannot feel myself swollow at all, its like im swollowing but my throat is so numb there is no sensation to confirm ive swollowed. My throat is rediclously dry and I struggle to swollow. Its like my swollow mechanim isnt working properly. I can get stuff down but cannot feel a swollow.

Anyone experienced anything like this? I think I need to go back to the doctors but I feel like an idiot getting fobbed off and not taken seriously every time.

27-06-15, 09:47

27-06-15, 09:57
I don't have the numb feeling but I have the constantly swallowing thing at the min. The more I think about it the more it happens & so it goes on.
I would try not to think about it, which is what I'm trying to do.

27-06-15, 12:21
I have a swollen feeling on one side of my throat at the moment. It's driving me nuts freaking out that I have cancer. I'm also tired all the time and feeling run down which is adding to my worries. Guess I'll be oto the docs again next week *sigh*

28-06-15, 13:09
Thanks for the replies guys.

My throat is completely numb, cannot feel myself swollow and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. It is a bit worrying.