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View Full Version : broke a glass, feeling panicked :/

27-06-15, 02:18
Okay I know this sounds stupid but I have a deathly fear of accidentally ingesting sharp pieces of glass, needles, pins etc and cutting my throat/esophagus, and I always have to check my food to make sure no foreign objects might have gotten into it.

About an hour ago I dropped a cup on the floor, and it shattered everywhere. As I was cleaning it up and piecing it back together to make sure it was all collected, I noticed some small 0.5cm shards were missing and I hadn't swept them up.

Now I'm super scared that I might have accidentally ingested one of the missing sharp pieces of porcelain, or that it somehow got in my mouth when I gasped as it shattered. I never felt anything, but I get anxious that it could have gone unnoticed and I accidentally swallowed a piece of the cup. Is it feasible that pieces of the cup could have bounced off the floor when it smashed and accidentally landed in my mouth? I know that sounds really dumb and stupid as it fell on the floor and I'm 5'4 so it would have to travel pretty high to reach mouth level lol, but my irrational mind is telling me this is possible and that I might have swallowed something sharp that could be ready to cut up my internal organs :/

27-06-15, 02:36
Relax East
Even though your irrational mind thinks it is your rational mind knows it isn't possible.
Try to calm yourself with some breathing exercises.

27-06-15, 03:06
With all due respect... like one in a BILLION...

Positive thoughts

27-06-15, 05:22
Try to challenge these negative thoughts using evidence, such as in a Thought Record.

If it had bounced into your mouth - you would have felt it.
If you then swallowed it - it would hurt.
If a cup breaks won't it also create pieces so tiny that you couldn't put them back together? Which doesn't mean they have gone missing, just that they are too small.

Did you feel any of that?

Add to it this way and dispell those thoughts by rationalising.

27-06-15, 07:36
That's physically impossible. Glass shards are microscopic it's possible you just weren't able to pick up every piece, but glass shards dont have the ability to bounce or fly up from the floor and into someones mouth.

27-06-15, 08:21
I hope you are getting help for your ocd phobia to even think that a half a cm piece of glass Wundt even do much to you even if u did swallow it but u most definitely didn't