View Full Version : Mole update

27-06-15, 13:48
I went to get two irregular moles removed this morning. I was happy that I finally had an appointment as I've waited a long time to get them removed and I'm so worried. However, when I was being prepared I was asked about a bleeding disorder which I have (nothing serious) and then was told I would have to remake appointment withinf working hours as the blood team need to be alerted incase something goes wrong! I'm so annoyed that this hadn't been considered beforehand as its on my file!! A wasted journey and god knows how long I will have to wait to have them removed now. One of my moles is two colours and irregular so I'm really worried. Just had to have a rant!!

---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ----------

I can't believe this, just noticed a small very dark new mole on my leg has started bleeding. The top layer has gone and it was red underneath. There is a dark border still. I am freaking out because I've read in the past that when moles bleed it's usually a late stage of you know what. I can't believe I have to wait to see the dermatologist again :(

27-06-15, 13:59
Stop breathe and relax, Like you said SMALL mole most skin cancers r over 6mm, and it cud and it wouldnt of bleed for no reason u must of caught it on something or scratched it relax

27-06-15, 14:08
Thanks, I know that I shouldn't jump to conclusions but I can't help but panic. I think the fact that I was meant to have other moles removed this morning but couldn't has added to my worry. I'll have to wait til Monday to even ring the hospital to find out what's going on. The mole that's bled is flat and about 3mm and underneath it was red. I heard a doc tell someone before that the results can take up to 8 weeks to come back as well so even after I have my moles removed, I'll still have the worry :(

27-06-15, 14:26
of corse its gonna be red undneeth u probally just took of the top layer of skin, Answer yourself, Is it bigger than 6mm NO, isit raised and bumpy NO , did it bleed because its advance skin cancer NO it bled because u scratched it somehow , Its fine i know myself that how scary it is jumping to conclusions about things, i was worried myself about my mole for past 2 months and finally showed 2 doctors and both said its fine, its easy to help others but so hard to help ourself lol , its fine tho serious dont worry :D

28-06-15, 16:03
Has anyone ever had a mole that's bled and not been anything bad before? I know I shouldn't look for reassurance but until I can get it removed and the results, I'm freaking out and can't function. I was going through so many worst case scenarios today that I made myself feel sick to my stomach :(

28-06-15, 16:10
stop it , You have just caught it on something or scratched it all moles do that if u catch them, stop presuming the worse its fine

28-06-15, 16:14
Thanks, it's so so hard not to though. I've managed to calm down a little by but before I was in pieces. I wish I didn't have any moles at all!

28-06-15, 16:17
I am littered in moles. I have had one removed. In the past I have caught moles which have bled, but heal up nicely. I have had my moles checked over by a dermatologist and they were all fine, any that have got bigger/darker have done so through age.

Skin cancer is rare, the most awful skin cancers are rarer. If this mole is cancer it has been spotted early enough to get it treated. In the mean time there is no point thinking about it until it gets seen. Cross that bridge when you get there.

28-06-15, 16:24
Thanks for your reply. I wish I'd noticed whether i caught it or scratched it by accident instead of just seeing it bleeding. I think I'm more worried because it's new (past 6 months) and dark, even though it's only small. I will try and put things into perspective and wait for my next appointment

28-06-15, 16:30
If its not painful when u catch yourself its not noticble and then when u notice the blood its up to you how you think about things, You either think oh damn i caught my mole there like a normal person sufferin without Health anxiety or omg i have late stage skin cancer, But you musnt you must take a step back think, the mole is tiny and you only caught it and just as rennie said above its so rare

29-06-15, 15:08
I took my son to a dermatologist because he had a bleeding mole (didn't sleep for a week beforehand) and the dermatologist said bleeding is not one of the 'sinister' signs they look for when checking moles. He said major changes in shape/colour/size is the main one.