View Full Version : Afraid to sleep !!!!!

Bellshill one
27-06-15, 15:49
Hi. I just wondered of anyone got same prob as me. I am terrified to sleep. I just dont feel safe asleep. I live alone but I am not scared of anyone breaking in or anything. Sometimes when I do sleep I have horrendous nightmares. Ive seen a specialist and ive been given medication that would knock an elephant out but I fight it and stay awake. Im awake for days till I just cant stay awake. I sleep then it all starts over again. Anyone the same as me ?

27-06-15, 16:28
Being asleep should be the time you can relax and unwind and recharge ur batterys u need to try let urself relax and tell ur self its good for me to sleep so what if i have dreams they r only dreams they cannot hurt me harm me and they are not real ,

Bellshill one
27-06-15, 16:52
Hi thanks for your reply. Its not just dreams its horrendous nightmares and the meds my doc gave me has a side effect of nightmares. I wish I could just go sleep like normal people. I think I have a sleep phobia .

27-06-15, 17:48
Well are the nightmares in real life related from what has happend in the past or are they just complete and utter nuts nightmares?

Bellshill one
27-06-15, 21:50
They related to my present life. I have agrophobia and I keep dreaming I go out and get lost and no phone or money or anyone to ask how to get back home.