View Full Version : on behalf of my wife

27-06-15, 16:56
im writing this as she cant use the PC

she has had constant pins and needles in both arms and legs for 3 days now and i/we dont know what to do - she cant even lift a book to read to keep her mind of it

no other symptoms except her worsening asthma and only meds she has started this week are ibroprofen

any advice/help would be appreciated by us both


30-06-15, 08:16
Id advise you and your wife too seek a health professional but what I will say the ibroprofen might be worsening the asthma as anyone that sufffers astma should stay clear of ibroprofen... The tingling weakness of joints could be a symptom of lack of oxygen due to the asthma which may calm down if astma meds are taken and lay off the ibroprofen.. but I say see a professional before changing anything if I was you best to be safe these sites should be for reasurance not medical diagnosis please see a gp or call a health care provider ... all the best to you and your wife hope she feels better soon x

01-07-15, 12:17
thanks claire

sorry for late reply but we went to drs yesterday and he said its a trapped nerve due to poor posture

04-07-15, 08:46
bless her, did the dr tell her not to take ibrofen, x

04-07-15, 12:10
So glad it is nothing serious. As Claire says, Ibuprofen is not recommended for asthmatics.