View Full Version : Should I increase my sertraline for HA?!

27-06-15, 17:44
I've been on sertraline 50mg for a month now. I have taken it before, for a period early last year and two years ago. I have had bad HA since last year after numerous health issues. I am waiting on cbt but it could be another 13 weeks before I get seen. My gp suggested to go back on sertraline as its helped my depression/anxiety in the past.
For the past few weeks I've felt a bit better. I'm getting some moles removed (I bet you've seen my posts about them!:blush:) and I was ok about it. However over the past few days of feeling generally unwell and having a mole bleed, I am in full blown panic. I even ended up on a site with horror stories about moles. I KNOW I shouldn't have googled but i somehow ended up there. I am so worried about these moles, I can't stop thinking they're bad, especially the bleeding one.

My question is, should i increase my sertaline? I don't really want to go to my doc as I have been so many times before. I have some tabs from last year that are 100mg and wonder should I start them and just phone my doc to tell him or something? I really can't cope with this HA, it's so sneaky... One minute you are carefree (ish!) then the next you're back to thinking the worst.

I just want to say that I am so grateful for this forum, it helps to know that I'm not the only one dealing with these issues!

27-06-15, 17:50
I know you can take up to 200mg a day with sertraline, So if you have tablets you can use ur 100mg for a couple of weeks, then lower yourself down once all this mole marlarky is out the way

27-06-15, 21:06
My question is, should i increase my sertaline?

This is a question for your doctor. Perhaps a phone call or email could save a visit but always consult your doctor concerning prescriptions.

Positive thoughts

Bellshill one
27-06-15, 22:16
You should always consult your doctor about any medicine. It must be very worrying about the moles but at least you are getting them seen to so you should try not to worry. I know thats hard cos we tend worry about everything. Lol x

28-06-15, 06:25
You shouldn't attempt to self medicate with those other ones, speak to your GP about any possible increase first. The side effects window is generally said to be 4-6 weeks anyway.

Meds alone aren't going to deal with an anxiety disorder so you could see just as much a benefit from therapy without even needing an increase and this is why you need your GP's advice.

I would also move to the Setraline board and get advice form people actually using it as opposed to a general board like the HA one. You will get more taliored replies and there is a long running support thread on there which people seem to be talking on daily at the moment.