View Full Version : heat stroke

27-06-15, 20:03
I was out today and it was sunny and I was wearing too thick clothing and walking a long time. I couldn't eat or drink much. I kept feeling dizzy and nauseous and had a headache and got a bit bleary eyes so to speak.
Now I'm back home and I feel better but am still a bit hot and tired.
Can you get heat stroke without feeling terrible? Can it come on suddenly or later after you've gone inside.
I know anxiety is playing its part but I scared.
I'm still a bit flushed and have a headache

27-06-15, 20:12
Too little information. I would only be concerned if you have blood pressure interests. I've had it once and I felt horrible. I have to be careful. It is above 30C today.

27-06-15, 20:12
My sister had heat stroke one time and she was very out of it, and confused. If you had heat stroke, you would have passed out by now. If you are inside where it is cool, there's no way you have heat stroke. I often get tired and a headache after a day out in the sun, it's completely normal. Just make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated :)

27-06-15, 20:41
Heat stroke is very serious, you would know if you had it. You would be sick, confused and possibly become unconscious. It sounds like you had just a bit of heat exhaustion. You just need to drink more water and eat some salty food (not too salty, mind you).

28-06-15, 05:48
I will say as someone with health anxiety when the hot weather first comes around I always worry that the heat is affecting me negatively. Usually takes me a few days to get used to the weather and then I'm fine.

It's the same when it starts turning cold too. The first few days I convince myself I can't breathe in the cold air but then I get used to it.

Seasonal temperature changes always mess me up!