View Full Version : Wake up in a panic attack every time I try to sleep anymore

27-06-15, 23:41
Waking up in panic attacks like crazy.. I swear it feels like everytime I try to attempt to sleeping.. Boom! No sooner than I drift off I wake up in a full blown panic. I don't get it.. I can't ever take a nap, get a good nights sleep, or anything and god forbid I don't get enough sleep or stay up too long because that causes my anxiety to go through the roof. I don't know what to do to stop these constantly. It's so miserable.. Sleep is lije the only peace I have these days and that's even screwed. Anybody conquer these?

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:35 ----------

For example, as of right now I feel so groggy. I'm exhausted! But I drifted off about an hour ago now and woke in an attack so now I just feel so awful. I've been trying to get my sleep schedule normalized to some degree but it's so stressful because anytime I get that groggy feeling.. I get so anxious and I get like too tired to sleep.

Bellshill one
28-06-15, 00:36
Hi Txxx. Ive got much the same problem. I put on a thread earlier today titled "afraid to sleep". Im on meds that would knock an elephant out. Sleep frightens me. I started of like you getting panic attacks when try to sleep. Doc gave me strong sleep tabs. They caused horrendous nightmares. Now I dont sleep for days and when I do it only for hour at a time. I am so tired all time and meds I take for other things make more tired. Wish had answer for both of us. Take care x

28-06-15, 12:11
I go through phrases like this. I can have no or just a few panic attacks during the day and then boom, they all hit me the second I start to drift. They feel so much more intense as they happen out the blue plus you feel all spacey from waking up suddenly and not getting enough sleep. I've been like this for the last two nights and notice that I get like this when my anxiety is at an all time high.

29-06-15, 02:51
How much time are you willing to spend over the next three to six weeks to fix that? You can you know. It takes work, every waking moment including at night too. First week or two nothing much happens then you start to sleep longer. If you are still doing the exercises you will sleep. If you do them right that is.

29-06-15, 06:56
I know the feeling :(

I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, during those years I have also developed social anxiety and even talking to people triggers panic attacks! Some days are better than other and some days are worse. Recently I have found something that helps me to cope with the anxiety and control my panic attacks to a certain extent. Although it does not cure my attacks It has really helped me improve.
When you have a chance I would recommend you take a look at <link removed by admin>
It is a good read, I hope I helped somebody else out there! :)

Please ignore this Txxxrho, this is a known spammer on NMP who has just tripped themselves up on yet another false user ID like the others Nic has already banned.

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