View Full Version : anxious...again :-(

31-01-07, 05:54
its about 1 am here. i woke up and feel really anxious. i know its a culmination of a lot of different things:

1) my roomates are mad at me because they say im not neat. (one of their reasons they were mad is because i didnt shut some kitchen cabinet doors) so i have no desire to make the situation better because that is just a little crazy
2) i have a big test tomorrow morning
3) my ex texted me on saturday wanting to talk to me and im unsure whether i want to give him the time of day and its making me anxious waiting in limbo
4) its that time of the month

i figured writing this out would make me positive im not dying from a heart attack or going nuts, or at least feel a lot better. because all these things truly are a recipe for some intense anxiety.

Thanks for listening/reading!

31-01-07, 10:16
hope you are feeling better now!being that time of the month certainly doesn,t help at all!
good luck with your test tomorrow!
take care
rach x

31-01-07, 10:24
I hope that this anxiety will soon be gone and hopefully, once you have done your test tomorrow you will feel so much better. The time of the month thing isn't helping eh? Good luck-hang in there. xxxxx
