View Full Version : Upset stomach, period pains, starting new job tomorrow

Flying Stars
28-06-15, 01:52
Hi all, I feel I've been doing good lately, however this past week has led me to panic mode again. Basically I've just finished a year long intense training programme which I've done very well at but at times it has brought my anxiety on full force. However from this I've been offered my dream job in a very intense and pressurised industry. I'm due to start this job tomorrow (Monday) yet my HA has gone insane again. Since Monday of last week I've had an upset stomach on and off and my period has come too (which always knocks me about) and the period pains are unbearable this month - coming and going a lot. :(

I don't know what to do, this is an opportunity I've waited a life time for but the thought of full time work is killing me, especially when my other jobs (two years ago) have always ended up in me leaving from anxiety/bullying. (Although they have never been in this sector I'm about to go into - just standard retail etc.)

I don't think I can face it feeling ill but know I have to :( :( ....just feel like I want to cry all the time. Is it normal to have a bad stomach/period this month from all this???? I don't know if I'll be able to go in or not :(...I feel so stupid for all of this but any thoughts would be helpful right now. If I didn't go in I daren't tell them it was from this but atm I feel like I'd rather lie and say I've sprained my ankle or something. I finished my course on Friday and feel like my heads gone in a spin as this weekend as only been my 'break' inbetween the two.

I'm still having therapy for a lot of grief I'm dealing with after losing a few very close family members, so always in times like this I feel alone :(...
