View Full Version : Panic attacks the same time every night with actual pain

28-06-15, 03:58
I've been having a panic attack every night for 6 months between 10-12am. I wake up about an hour and a half to two hours after I fall asleep with either a feeling of panic/lightheaded ness or an actual pain- neck, jaw, head, temple and its causing fight or flight. My night attacks are brutal. I've had sensations of numbness on the side of my face, side of my head, behind my ear and then i get nausea and feel like I will die. I had to move back in with my mother and brothers and the latter is woken up by my pacing. The panic is made worse knowing my family aren't taking it seriously. I always feel like I need an ambulance. I fall asleep knowing I will be awake again soon in a panic.

The weird thing is once I have that one awful attack and go to sleep again an hour later, I stay asleep. So I try to stay up til past 12 because the attacks happen the same time every night. I fear that time slot because it's a long way to morning and all potential help is in bed asleep. Every headache is aneurism, tumor, stroke, abscess, hidden tooth infection spreading to my brain. don't get me started on the level of fear the numbness causes. I did myself a huge disservice googling so much that I am now aware of so many illnesses and symptoms. When I am feeling anxious all I do is Google. I can't distract myself any other way. So rather than just lay down when I have pain, I am googling.

I dread nights. I can't keep staying up til past 12 , I have no problem dozing off but I don't stay asleep. This is worrying me so much. The next day all I can do is analyse the previous nights symptoms and the intense helplessness I felt which is creating all day-anxiety and I am housebound. Have I CONDITIONED my body to do this every night? I spend the whole day dreading the night. I'm worried all the time I have a serious medical problem and I don't know why the symptoms change every single night. All of them have one thing in common: they create fear, and Feelings of collapsing and throwing up but neither happens. This is just so unusual - does anyone have any insight or similar experience?

28-06-15, 07:14
I spent a year like that. Short term memory transfers to long term memory during REM sleep, usually at the same time every night. Amygdala is picking something out of your thoughts it thinks it needs to react to. The reaction is now an update and your fear is the trigger it uses. It's reaction is panic since that is what you did last time. Hypothalamus gives you the sore achy symptoms for the same reason. If positive thought can't break the cycle, it and Diazepam will.

01-07-15, 03:20
Thanks Davit, that was the explanation I was looking for because I knew there's a science to it and now that you've explained it, I read over it at night and feel the night time anxiety lessening. I've spent so long googling for that answer and only getting increasingly anxious. thank you!

01-07-15, 04:16
It is on the internet under memory, not head aches or panic attacks. I spent a lot of time finding these things and put them under the eight information threads because they are hard to find and not always where you think they should be. Still I don't mind at all if people ask me, it is faster, But that got me named DR feel good which I still find funny. I'm here to support but more to help those who ask. The few who don't like me don't bother me. I have tough skin, I will put up with a lot.