View Full Version : New here..any replies welcome

28-06-15, 12:47
Hi first time here I have had panic attacks for 12 years now especially gets worse relating to my health I have all sorts aches and pains and such over the years . This mourning I woke with sore lower back (often have lower back pains) then when I twisted sideways I got sharp pain in my left side were my stomach is , felt like a stitch or muscle spasm then it went to my left shoulder . I stretched and pushed my stomach were pain was .( like I would if was just a stitch ) then within 20/30 seconds it was gone and not been back . I've had shoulder neck pain in past . Do you think just muscle spasm / stitch ? I feel fine I just obsess over every pain so much that I feel like going crazy lol

28-06-15, 12:49
Just sounds like normal aches to me. Anxiety can make you tense which results in muscle ache and pains. Once I had back pain that was so painful I thought I tore a muscle, I was on pain killers, heat therapy and bed rest for weeks, until my situation changed and the pain went. It was through tension of being anxious!

28-06-15, 12:57
Thanks for reply :) I am hoping just slept funny and muscle pain . Didn't help myself as googled and any shoulder pain and stomach and comes up with all sorts from heart to cancer :/

28-06-15, 12:59
Dr Google is not rational. Anxiety is a far more rational reason for your aches. But for future reference, NEVER GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS!

28-06-15, 13:25
Thank you I thought it may give me answers to help me relax about it ..daft I know lol as I've spent the day obsessing and worrying . Lesson learned

lindy lou 2
28-06-15, 14:04
Hi Greenday, when we are anxious , which I have been everyday for 3 years now, we get all sorts of aches & pains, and as Rennie says, it is nearly all tension.
I have constantly hunched up muscles, so get shoulder & back ache too.
I think if we are still anxious during our sleep, I know I am, because I wake up every morning, with a churning stomach & shakiness, there is a lot of doom & gloom going on in my life, we probably are even tense whilst asleep, so I agree, it is probably all muscle tension.
It is always tempting to google things, but I also agree, it is not a good idea.

28-06-15, 15:31
hi lindy , thank you for your reply . I keep telling myself im stressed and tense all the time which is going to have negative effects on my body ..just wish my brain would take this in and relax a little . I think it googling and reading stuff like heart attack was not my best plan for a Sunday mourning ;) . especially since I've had these pains before and it literally lasted 30 seconds then I stretched a bit and sat down and went . I've been reading lots on this forum and site and its full of very helpful information and just nice to read about so many other people who go though the same thing .
I hope you feel better soon and I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me as with rennie :)

lindy lou 2
29-06-15, 10:40
You are welcome Greenday.
I have woken with high anxiety, I also have an aching arm, but I think that is some arthritis, I am taking apple cider vinegar & chondroitin for it, I think I layed on it last night, but have taken 2 paracetemol and am going to start painting my hall.
I am prone to arthritis, had a hip replaced 5 years ago, now the other one is starting, so I am trying to go as long as possible without surgery.
Anxiety has made me not do much in the last 2 years it & some excercise might help.
Well here goes, going to open the paint tin now.
Good luck with everything, we all know what worry and anxiety does to us, but my husband says, pain doesn't bother him, it just confirms we are still alive !

29-06-15, 11:00
Hi Greenday, when we are anxious , which I have been everyday for 3 years now, we get all sorts of aches & pains, and as Rennie says, it is nearly all tension.
I have constantly hunched up muscles, so get shoulder & back ache too.
I think if we are still anxious during our sleep, I know I am, because I wake up every morning, with a churning stomach & shakiness, there is a lot of doom & gloom going on in my life, we probably are even tense whilst asleep, so I agree, it is probably all muscle tension.
It is always tempting to google things, but I also agree, it is not a good idea.

Good response and good advise. The Dr.Google is an addiction that is hard to break. Aches and pains can of course come with age, as I know unfortunately :)

lindy lou 2
30-06-15, 08:52
Me too Ricardo ! I am 59 now, had a hip replaced 5 years ago, it is still not comfortable, mainly scar tissue & muscle pain. The other hip is starting now, I am trying to avoid surgery for as long as possible, trying raw apple cider vinegar & chondroitin. My friends specialist told him the chondroitin was actually re building his cartiledge, I could not take it before, it upset my stomach, but the ACV is such a good antacid , i can now.