View Full Version : existential thoughts/nihilism

28-06-15, 14:36
Hi everyone,

past two months I started having these weird thoughts like - what if I am in a coma? then it went like what if I am the only one living and everyone is just a figment of my imagination?

and now it is the worst feeling I have felt - questions like what is the point of living?

I realised how small the Earth is and how big the Universe is and what if humans are just an accident a we live our life for nothing. That maybe one day Earth won't even exist. Thoughts like that are just scaring me.

Also it is accompanied by dp, dr, hyperawareness...

I'm confused and not really sure what to do?


28-06-15, 16:31
I think everybody gets them from time to time. I got myself in a right tiffle when I contemplated what was there after death, would I be stuck in a limbo, hell maybe. I am agnostic, by the way. I have contemplated what is the meaning of life, what on earth are we doing here and why, what is our purpose etc.

As a human we have the ability to think intellectually and creatively to question everything around us (seen and unseen), whether it be physical, psychological, philosophical etc.

It's OK to feel scared and worried about what there is, what is to come, but from experience you come to your own conclusion or life script and move on. Give it time.

28-06-15, 17:42
I've had this particular fear in the past as well - the "what if I am the only one living and everyone is just a figment of my imagination" theory is actually called solipsism. If you search the forum for posts about solipsism, you'll find many other threads about it. Although it was very scary at the time, and I used to be on my mind pretty much all the time, the obsession did fizzle out for me after a few months - I gradually thought about it less and less, until it was no longer an issue in my day to day life.

28-06-15, 22:26
thx for replies

Now I no longer think I'm the only one living, I kinda accepted everyone is here with me, now I just feel that life is pointless because how big the universe is. That you live for a while, you try to achieve something and then you die. Like what is the point - i feel helpless and nothing really brings me joy. Also I read a lot of other stuff on the Internet which made me freak ever more (suicide evolution...)

I really don't know how to face it

02-07-15, 22:58
I think it is getting even worse. I really don't know what to do or if I should do something.

I came to realization that life is meaningless and it really makes me depressed. All day my thoughts are like why should I do something? Everything I do will be forgotten. Everything that used to bring me joy now feels like nothing. I always ask myself why should I do something? Why even bother doing something. If I die today or tomorrow or 50 years later it really doesn't matter. What if we as humans are just here to realize that life is pointless and kill ourselves.

I just really don't know what to do. I feel helpless, like I figured out life and it isn't a nice place. I even question what if happiness is just a delusion and now I see life for what it is.

Anyone having same thoughts?