View Full Version : healing cut from years

28-06-15, 19:11
Hello, bear with me on this as its a bit embarrassing. About two years ago I managed to get a 2 cuts around my genital area from my jeans zipper, and its been healing for 2 years now. Trouble is I have continued to scratch the scabs off which keeps reopening the wound. I just read up that an infected wound causes cancer!? Is this true? Or does it happen rarely? I have been trying to quit scratching but now I think I might be able to because I am worried that it will kill me. Should I be worried too much about this? I have cleaned the area mostly everyday from showers (does this count as cleaning a wound?). So will I be alright? Im too embarrassed to see a doctor about this and I think I can fix this myself if I stop scratchin and keep the area clean. Please dont judge me, Its really embarrassing.

28-06-15, 19:20
lol infected wounds cannot cause cancer lol, but can cause infections so stop scratching it and let it heal :roflmao:

28-06-15, 19:31
Oh, really? I thought infected wounds did... woops. Lol, anyways it will heal even if its infected right? Thanks for replying.

28-06-15, 19:45
A cut that hasn't healed in two years? Even with picking at it, it would have healed in a few weeks at the most. If this is legit, I would see your doctor about it.

Positive thoughts

28-06-15, 19:51
Picking the scab reopens the wound and ive been doing that for ages. Plus it has been healing, I just keep picking off the scabs even when it has almost healed

28-06-15, 20:17
Picking the scab reopens the wound and ive been doing that for ages. Plus it has been healing, I just keep picking off the scabs even when it has almost healed

Even so, two years? I stand by my post. This was a small cut from a zipper, not a gaping knife wound. If this hasn't healed and is a legit post, see your doctor.

Positive thoughts

29-06-15, 01:46
Thanks, I appreciate the advice but I am honestly conviced that im just interfering with the healing progress. The scabs alone say that its tryna heal. I just been talking to some people and they all say that I should just stop scratching and it will go. Ive had something like this before that lasted a year (just remembered) and when I stopped scratching the scab after some weeks, the healing really showed. Again I appreciate your concern and thankful that u all replied but I honestly think il be fine and that if it was deadly I wouldnt be writing this right now.

29-06-15, 05:56
It is legit, its called Dermatillomania in the US diagnostic manual but now Excoriation Disorder (DSM-V) and Excoriation Disorder/Neurotic Excoriation in the WHO diagnostic manual that we use in the UK (ICD-10) when it was previously called Impulse Control Disorder. There are several people on NMP I've come across who "skin pick" as it is commonly called. Its similiar to the hair pulling disorder, Trichotillomania.

Its an OCD based disorder. I've done it a lot myself and for me it originates back into early childhood although there was no anxiety aspect.

I've known people who had it before my time with anxiety and didn't know why they did it. I worked with a young guy who has loads of large scabs all over his arms (we could see them up his sleeves despite him trying to hide them).

So, it is legit. And it can be why some people are even afraid to let others see their bodies.

Although, whether you have it would need a diagnosis but its a common disorder.

Its not deadly. Cancer is about abnormal cell growth that is activated by something and its not going to heal. Something FMP can tell you a lot more about.

I've can't say I've heard that is a cancer risk. FMP? If it were, wouldn't there be more awareness of it as people have scabs & wounds all the time and they are usually nothing? Where did you read it? Was it a reputable medical source?

Are you especially anxious when you do this? I would suggest reading up on it from a source with the right information as NMP doesn't cover things like this:


"Research has shown that around a quarter of those diagnosed with OCD or BDD also have CSP."

FMP - I would suggest you read about it. I've had scabs for 6+ months and more. If you pick a wound pretty much daily (and more), it never really heals. There are people who scar and more seriously disfigure themselves through these disorders.

29-06-15, 22:53
Thankyou Terry and I dont know what website it was but It wasnt a well known and repliable one like NHS but meh. Ive had it for years and its clearly trying to heal so il just use sudacream and stop scrathcing to make it better. Thanks everyone for replying, my mind is put to rest now :) at least for this lol:)

29-06-15, 23:21
[B]FMP - I would suggest you read about it. I've had scabs for 6+ months and more. If you pick a wound pretty much daily (and more), it never really heals. There are people who scar and more seriously disfigure themselves through these disorders.

No need... you got it covered ;)

Positive thoughts

30-06-15, 04:55
Thankyou Terry and I dont know what website it was but It wasnt a well known and repliable one like NHS but meh. Ive had it for years and its clearly trying to heal so il just use sudacream and stop scrathcing to make it better. Thanks everyone for replying, my mind is put to rest now :) at least for this lol:)

You may not have that form of disorder, its just that I spotted you had experienced it before so its like how many people can display signs of OCD yet not have enough to warrant a diagnosis so I expect this will disappear again but if not, talk to a GP about therapy for it.

It will certainly heal if you leave it alone, you can't stop that part (other than what you are already doing). It may take a while though and you may find you have a patch of pinky coloured skin there for a while and even the possibility of a scar. I have many.

Keep the area clean too as thats an area for bacteria, as I'm sure you know.

It can help to find something else to do when you feel the urge to pick it. With OCD style behaviour you would normally practice non reaction i.e. reducing or stopping the compulsion, but since this is not a definate for you anyway, finding something else to do when you feel that urge can help. A bit like how a smoker struggles with their hands when quitting.

If you notice you do it when more anxious, the obvious approach would be to reduce the current anxiety level until you heal.