View Full Version : How do we 'HA' sufferers deal with the flu and winter? I don't! Need support

29-06-15, 04:08
So it's winter in my part of the world.
I'm too paranoid to get the flu shot and even more paranoid about catching swine flu.

How do we cope?
What do you do?
What happens if you get sick?
I really get myself so worked up - I feel sick, I can't eat, can't go out - I have a 3 year old so I can't keep living like this.

Do you ge the flu shot?
Even then it doesn't always work?

I can't keep doing this every winter it's so debilitating .... any help?

29-06-15, 04:13
:huh: It's Summer in the US.

Positive thoughts

29-06-15, 06:14
Are you in an "at risk" health group hence being advised to get a flu vaccination? If not, its unlikely to even cause you an issue other than the natural discomfort. Even if you are in an at risk group, if you are healthy, flu can mean little more than it means to other people.

What happens if you get sick? You have a slightly rougher time than you already do with the anxiety (some people find colds & clue actually reduce their anxiety, which happened to me when I was relapseing - what a relief it was! :D) but you plod through it and get better fairly quickly. Flu is only more dangerous to at risk groups and then a lot of them are not really an issue like me, I have asthma, so I am considered part of that group but I'm healthy in that respect and beat coolds easily if I even get them.

The thing is, these vaccinations for flu are only based on the "likely" strains for that year. They don't stop you catching all the lesser ones as doctors will tell you. So, in a way, if you don't have it, you are confronting that demon.

Perhaps try to work on your thoughts by using tools in CBT such as Thought Records. Certainly read about Cognitive Distortions because they are playing a part in how you are thinking at the moment.

As guess one motivation could be your child. You are naturally wanting the best for them so maybe you can use that as motivation to confront this?

29-06-15, 09:49
Do you have to get the shot if you have asthma?
yes thinking of my daughter is of course a good idea and it works to some extent, however I find myself in a forever cyclical battle about whether to get the flu vaccine or not ... each year, it's debilitating.....

29-06-15, 10:10
Yes, in the UK they consider asthma in the at risk category. Although, it doesn't really mean anything when you could be a marathon runner thesedays! You don't have to have it and I've missed it some years with no detrimental outcomes but its just advised. I guess its a catchal because some patients have more severe asthma and some have it combined with other conditions or maybe even poor general health.

I can imagine. I know its never that simple and we wish we could just say we would do it for our loved ones but it just seems a positive to get behind to save it all being about the negative because you could find reasons why you wouldn't want to bring it into the house and pass it on (not saying that you could).

Do you know what exactly is the reason for not wanting it? For instance, is it fear of needles, maybe fear of side effects, a contamination fear, etc? Knowing this might help you fight it more.

I think many of us feel how seasonal change affects us. When it gets cold you can find yourself with a low mood more often and in a way you have to try and rise above it. I found Omega 3 very helpful with this.