View Full Version : relief.....but...

29-06-15, 06:08
Last week or the week before I wrote about going to the doctors, feeling rough and her doing blood tests and then deciding to do a breast ultrasound. Well yesterday, the breast ultrasound came back normal....yehhh:yesyes:....but the blood tests came back that my thyroid is "lazy" - not that it isn't working but it just needs a bit of help! Brought on by stress apparently and no doubt by the death of my husband 2 years ago. So I was happy with that verdict. Explains lethargy, puffy eyes, weight gain, problems shifting weight, painful joints, hairy chin :huh:....

An hour later I got a call from my mum, who is not like me in the worrying way of things. She said she wanted to tell me before someone else did. She went to the doctor 6-7 weeks ago with a lump on her arm. He said it was a haematoma (internal bruise). It never went away and was getting bigger so he referred her to a specialist but this appointment was going to take weeks (end of August) so she went privately last week to a different doctor. He did an ultrasound on her arm and said he didn't have a clue what it was and he was referring her on to the orthopaedic unit of our local hospital. She said it is hard, like bone, immovable and painless and runs from her wrist to her elbow, lengthways. Has anyone any ideas what this potentially could be other than what I fear?? I am thinking that the ultrasound guy would have picked up if it was something sinister, having seen this sort of thing his whole life? I am also thinking that her playing golf literally 4-5 days a week is perhaps a strain injury? I am thinking if it were sinister, she would have other symptoms?

Any advice? Thanks

29-06-15, 07:59
The specialist would of picked up on it it sounds like a cyst but I'm sure it's nothing serious it's not in a area to be serious i lay £50 down on a cyst at 1/10 on lol