View Full Version : Please Please help as feeling desperate.

29-06-15, 10:52
I have had no replies to my last few posts & really need some help as feeling frozen to the spot with anxiety.

Gary A
29-06-15, 11:01
What exactly are you anxious about?

29-06-15, 15:25
Thank you for responding. I'm not sure how to repost - could you look at my previous post please.

Gary A
29-06-15, 15:32
Just give me a brief description of what you're worried about please.

29-06-15, 15:38
I'm terrified that I have C. I have had a croaky voice for approx 2 months. No cold or virus but hot dry throat. I also have a swelling on my neck near adams apple on right side. My ear on this side is v itchy. I don't have a sore throat but can feel a tension between there and my ear & right side headache.I can swallow & eat however I don't have any appetite. I have been having gastric problems for months & am having endoscopy/colonoscopy this week. I was hoping that throat could be checked at the same time but evidently I will need the tube up nose & down throat. - I don't know if I can go through with that as get claustrophobic & will panic. I am 56 & feel I should have more control. I feel frozen to the spot & can't do anything. I have started having panic attacks again after years without.I am feeling sick & shaky & v isolated. I posted on here a few days ago & got no replies which made me feel that others think I'm just being a baby. I'm having the endo/colono under general anaesthetic as it takes too much to sedate me. I am a wreck at the moment - help.

Last thread

Gary A
29-06-15, 15:41
Ah, thanks Sam.

Have you reported the throat problem to your doctor? Obviously you've reported the gastro symptoms and that's why you're having an endoscopy, but has anything been said to you about your throat?

Another thing. It's not likely anyone on here would ever think you're being a baby. Sometimes threads get lost or sometimes people just don't really have an answer to your concerns. Don't take it personally, that'll only make you feel worse.

29-06-15, 16:03
I have spoken to an ENT consultant & he said they would need to look with the up nose & down throat scope. I just can't stop the terrified , rabbit in the headlamp feeling. It's almost claustrophobic - I have managed to stop myself from googling any of it as I know it will just say C.

Gary A
29-06-15, 16:10
I'm sorry to say it but I think you should have it done if an ENT specialist thinks you should. It sounds a bit like vocal chord nodules to me, but you should get it properly checked if you're concerned.

29-06-15, 16:27
I know that I should have it done & I will.I think I'm worried about the endoscopy/colonoscopy & the results & am now catastrophising that throat is something serious. It's such a battle trying to control the anxiety. I used to get panic attacks for years after several PTSD's. I am now getting them again & feel out of control. I am also now dwelling on all the other awful things happening around the world. It just all feels hopeless & my mind is full of doom & gloom.

Gary A
29-06-15, 16:30
Perhaps you should look into some therapy at the moment, it sounds like you're in a bit of a spiral.

29-06-15, 16:31
Autumn4 are you receiving any help for your anxiety?

Below are some links that you may find useful, everyone here understands how you are feeling.

Mindfulness >> http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=168689
Words >> http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=168527
Core Beliefs >> http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=168981
CBT >> http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=169137

29-06-15, 16:34
I have been having CBT for the past 2 years & it feels as if all of a sudden its not helping which I don't really understand.

Gary A
29-06-15, 16:39
You may need to ask your doctor or therapist if they can recommend another type of therapy.

29-06-15, 18:05
I have been having CBT for the past 2 years & it has been v good. However for some reason i seem to have come to a standstill with it & appear to be going backwards.