View Full Version : feeling very depressed and anxious

30-06-15, 00:42
anyone out ther feeling very depressed and anxious like my self feeling hopless and lost i just can't see beyond right now. also feeling angry with my self and life in general.:mad::weep::scared15:

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

feeling very disappointed :lac:

---------- Post added 30-06-15 at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was 29-06-15 at 23:30 ----------

feeling very let down people no one has replied to my post just when i need some support :lac:

---------- Post added at 00:20 ---------- Previous post was at 00:14 ----------

whats the point of this website if no one replys to your posts i thought it was for people to share ther storys and support each other :huh:

---------- Post added at 00:42 ---------- Previous post was at 00:20 ----------


30-06-15, 01:01
Actually it looks like several members offered support.



Sorry you're having a tough time. Are you seeking help with your anxiety and depression? Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

Bellshill one
30-06-15, 01:13
Hi just new to this. I know depression a bummer. Have you been doc. Are you on any meds. I suffer severe insomnia. Been awake days. Feel like yuck xx

30-06-15, 05:23
I am sorry :( I know how you feel

I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percent cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.

I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.

Take a look at <link removed>
It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)

Hello "Snoopy Drew" or whichever of your other 4+ usernames you may want to go by.

Please ignore this market affiliate who is trying to sell a product called "Anxiety Protocol" for $59.99 through a fake blog. You will see the name Snoopy Drew in the browser bar when you are on the shopping website the blog will try to redirect you to and this was his/her (it does change, although it appears to be a corporate name on the website itself) first username spotted on here.

Still, at least you got your years with anxiety consistent this time so you are learning.

:busted::nicked:, oh and :finger:

---------- Post added at 05:23 ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 ----------

Love the picture of your dog. Very cute :woof

Things can be a bit slow at night and some of the boards get fewer replies. There is a Facebook for NMP though that you could try as well.

30-06-15, 10:01
How are you this morning mark?

welsh and proud
30-06-15, 17:00
Hi I new to this and just seen your post, have you seeked any help or counselling please don't feel like no1 here to help there is always help to be had hope you feel better soon x:bighug1:

01-07-15, 00:03
hi all id like thank every one for your kind messages it really dos give me a good feelimg to know ther are people out ther that show support and care once again thanks.

---------- Post added 01-07-15 at 00:03 ---------- Previous post was 30-06-15 at 23:44 ----------

i had a very tough day again today i really tryed so hard to keep my self busy done some painting for my mam and dad also done my sisters garden for her even after all that i was still feeling quite anxious and low so i made my self call to a friends house for a chat it took awhile but it did start to help abit now im home im again finding it hard to stop the negative thoughts also feeling quite out of touch with reality it just feels like avicious cycle im trapped in and i dont feel i have what it takes to over come it :scared15: