View Full Version : ECG recorder implanted in chest today

29-06-15, 22:58
I managed to get through the proceedure without total panic but now I have massive bruising on my left breast and the slightest movement feels like being stung by a thousand wasps around the incision site. I am now worrying about infection or will the pain not go or will it not heal, the what ifs!

I have had ectopics for 30 years but 4 years ago developed attacks of very fast erratic heartbeat lasting about 10 seconds that make me go very faint. Have had numerous 3 day mobile ecg's but it never misbehaves then so the only way of capturing it is with the implanted moniter that can be in place for up to 3 years.

I will be glad when it is captured so at least I will finally know if its something harmful or not but of course worrying about the what if its harmful and I need further treatment and to be honest having an alien object inside me freaks me somewhat.

Please send vibes that it heals without infection and the pain improves.

29-06-15, 23:01
It does get more comfortable after a while. My Mum has just had something similar.

30-06-15, 07:18
Thanks Lynda. The skin glue is awful as it is has very sharp bits as its dried and this is jabbing into my skin as I move.
My bruise is awesome!

30-06-15, 08:00
Hi countrygirl - I had a similar procedure in January to implant an ICD (implantable defibrillator) and so I know the wound can be uncomfortable for a few days.

But as long as you take good care of the wound, there is no reason to worry. Your body will heal quickly and in 7-10 days everything will look much better and the pain will die away very soon, trust me. Your clinician should have given you a leaflet or something with wound care advice?

After a couple of days I started to clean around the wound once or twice a day with a medicated swab. Don't touch or play around with the incision itself, that will heal best if left alone. Just make sue it stays clean and dry.

The incision site may be tender and very sensitive for a while, even soft cotton shirts may rub and irritate - so just use a sterile dressing (which you can get hold of from most chemists/pharmacy) to protect it.

Good luck - I hope they manage to get to the bottom of things for you!

30-06-15, 12:27
I managed to get through the proceedure without total panic but now I have massive bruising on my left breast and the slightest movement feels like being stung by a thousand wasps around the incision site. I am now worrying about infection or will the pain not go or will it not heal, the what ifs!

I have had ectopics for 30 years but 4 years ago developed attacks of very fast erratic heartbeat lasting about 10 seconds that make me go very faint. Have had numerous 3 day mobile ecg's but it never misbehaves then so the only way of capturing it is with the implanted moniter that can be in place for up to 3 years.

I will be glad when it is captured so at least I will finally know if its something harmful or not but of course worrying about the what if its harmful and I need further treatment and to be honest having an alien object inside me freaks me somewhat.

Please send vibes that it heals without infection and the pain improves.

hi is it called a reveal device what you have. I had one in for 2 years

30-06-15, 15:04
hi is it called a reveal device what you have. I had one in for 2 years

Yes its the Reveal device. The aftercare instructions say to not clean the incision as its covered in skin glue and to just leave it alone until it drops off itself and to not put any creams etc on it as well. Its okay to have a shower but not to soak or wash the area with a cloth.

IF I keep still I don't have any pain but moving hurts. I realise its less than 24 hrs since it was inserted but they give so little information about the after effects, as per usual with nhs!

Its the bruising that is freaking me a bit as its such a big area of my left breast as the device was inserted just into my left breast centre of chest.

I spoke to cardiac nurse today and she said extreme bruising often happens as the insertion is quite brutal in a sensitive area and just to look out for swelling, weeping or developing a fever (infection).

30-06-15, 16:41
Needless to say pain is normal in the beginning. Grab yourself some Ibuprofen 400mgs (take a couple) - which can actually usually be taken WITH a paracetamol/codiene over the counter tablet if needed, to get you through the initial pain if it is strong. It will pass in a day or two (the body does not keep up a strong pain response for very long)... You will then probably ache for a more few days and then it will start to ease.

Bruising is completely normal - some more than others. I had a lot of bruising too.

As the advice says, resist the urge to touch the incision - you'll be surprised how fast it will heal. Mine took about 10 days and then the scab was coming off on it's own. Personally, I took a shallow bath for the first couple of days and avoided getting it wet. Showers after that, making sure not to get the scab/wound saturated (a quick spray of water is ok - just don't "soak" it).

30-06-15, 17:00
Thanks Frenchy. I am managing without pain relief as I find most pain meds have little effect on me anyway and managing to do most things carefully! Sudden change of position say from sitting to standing or bending over, getting into bed hurt the most.

We only have a shower in our house so cannot take a shallow bath but did manage to only get it slightly wet from water running off my head today and gently patted it dry with tissue.

Its good to know that I am not unusual in my bruising or healing. They give so little info at the hospital it consisted of you will need painkillers afterwards ( no mention of how long) and there could be bruising.

I would imagine my heart will now behave itself for the longest spell it has ever done just to annoy me:)