View Full Version : 22 years Old think I have MS please help

30-06-15, 02:57
So for around 3 years now I have had these symptoms and they come and go and appear more often then not. I have also thought I have had ms for around 3 years. I have bad anxiety especially health anxiety. Here are a list of my symptoms-

-tight back back pain

-electric shock feeling when hard coughing, laughing or deep breathing in chest and ribs (this is the worst of my symptoms very annoying, was told by a doc it was inflammation but I feel like it's more, happens most when I'm hung over or dehydrated)

- shakiness in arms and hands especially after working out


-tight sore back

-pinched nerve in both elbows


-tight and sore neck with tingles in it sometimes

So I have had these for around 2-3 years now. Very worried it's ms. I'm 22 year old white male. I have read some things that make it sound like a vitamin deficiency. But am super worried about ms because I am so young. Please let me know if you have any of the same symptoms and what it could be.

Gary A
30-06-15, 09:08
Doesn't sound like MS, sounds like stress related symptoms to me.

Typically, the first symptoms of MS will be problems with vision in one or both eyes. Weakness and muscle tightness can be early signs, but there are far far more common causes for these symptoms, especially if you work out. You may even have a postural problem or you're sleeping in a position that's putting strain on your back and causing inflammation.

Headaches aren't really a symptom of MS either, again, there are far more common causes.

Speak to your doctor if you're concerned, but I think your fear of MS may very well be bringing a lot of your symptoms on.

30-06-15, 12:53
I agree with Gary. MS is one of the top 5 or so fears that come up on the boards and what you describe doesn't sound like it at all. Just about everything you describe has "tight or sore" which indicates stress and anxiety. Besides, in three years, you'd be pretty ill and you are posting on an anxiety forum so somewhere deep down you know that's the issue.

The shock feeling sounds like it would be eliminated by abstaining from alcohol and staying hydrated. Besides, being hung over doesn't exactly do wonders for anxiety.

Positive thoughts

Yorkshire born
01-07-15, 22:56
I was convinced at one stage that I had MS, but 7 years on it just turned out to be a benign neurological condition. Strange sensations, tingling etc can be extremely common, whilst MS on the other hand, is very rare and is a progressive debilitating condition, my uncle had it and he was confined to a weel chair.

Some days when my tremor is bad or my hands or feet are tingling like crazy I get anxious about it again but the fact I am fit, well fitish, and active is a clear sign that I don't.

Trust your doctor. Like the other two posts say, your symptoms are more than likely to be anexiety related. Mine go throught the roof when I'm stressed and anxious but always subside again.