View Full Version : Panic Attack Without Racing Heart or Palpitations? Possible?

30-06-15, 04:32
I have always had low blood pressure and lived with it for most of my life. I am 52. I have always been healthy, eat well and all that. I experienced my first panic attack four years ago...just out of the blue for no reason as I was just sitting at home and not worried about anything really. So, I know what one is like. Then, at times, I have also experienced racing heart with "adrenaline dumping" but no full on panic attack.

Three months ago, I was diagnosed with sometimes a slow heart beat. It did not need any regulation. A week ago, I had an incident happen in my life that caused me a lot of concern and as I spoke to the person responsible for this incident I got upset. After hanging up the phone, I started to get that chest tightness you get with a panic attack...but no palpitations. It felt like an inbreath that I was holding...you know when someone jumps out and scares you and you breathe in? Like that. And it was like that for days. I have had this chest constriction, just like a panic attack, but no racing heart for a week now off and on. I am under a lot of stress personally and have been for a few years. I am going to see a specialist for my heart but I honestly feel that this is anxiety and not my slow heart rate which I have lived with for a long time. I do not take any medications at this time.

So...has anyone had any panic attack feelings as if someone is sitting on your chest and you feel the panic but there are no palpitations or racing heartbeat? And for a week or more...that comes and goes during the day? Is there a way to distinguish between heart trouble and anxiety? Are there panic attacks without the racing heart?
I just think it is not my slow heart, but anxiety.

I would welcome feedback. Thank you everyone!

30-06-15, 06:12
I've had something like what you describe for the past week too. Constant chest tightness with little to no palps or racing heart. What I had with it was trouble breathing and inability to take a deep, satisfying breath.

I wouldn't call it a panic attack, though. I would call it very high anxiety over a week that bordered on panic attack many times.

30-06-15, 07:17
Thanks for sharing your story...I am not alone! Hooray...well, not hooray, but you know what I mean...

Have you had yourself checked? Does it feel like a panic attack starting...like mine does...but then no racing heart? Just this tight feeling?

Hopefully someone else will answer our query: Can you have a panic attack or severe anxiety and experience chest tightness...with no racing heart? Or is this a sign of something else? It is so strange. For example, right now, the tightness is gone, but I feel just like I do after I have done exercise. I feel like I ran a mile.
I feel a sense of relief now, but it feels like I was working out.

If anyone has experienced this, gone to have it checked...did you get a diagnosis?

Thank you and thank you...rsanchez.

01-07-15, 01:19
I had my heart checked approximately 18 months ago. Lots of tests, all came back clear. My diagnosis was and has been anxiety and panic attacks.

On this tightness feeling, I spoke too soon. Today I have been feeling A LOT of palpitations. :(