View Full Version : Out of my comfort zone!

30-06-15, 05:44

This is totally outside of my comfort zone, I have never posted on a forum before but thought I'd give it a try. I'm totally new to this anxiety business and rather lost and overwhelmed with it all.

I have recently been diagnosed with post natal anxiety, not because my anxiety is related to my child in anyway but rather because it coincided I guess!? My anxiety is closely related to anything financial.

I am originally from the UK but have lived in New Zealand for almost 9 years. My anxiety seems to have appeared after a lot of stressful circumstances compounded and now I can't seem to shake it off at all. I have always been a worrier but it has never been debilitating before.
I am not generally a tablet taker so was very reluctant to take the prescribed Citalopram. However I did it and after 3-4 weeks of feeling absolutely dreadful and far worse (I think) than my original symptoms I was changed onto 20mg of Escitalopram, it took a while but I finally started to feel better.

Now after about 8wks it feels almost as if the drug is wearing off if that's even possible!? I am starting to feel heightened anxiety throughout the day again. GP has advised me to slowly reduce to 10mg but after only just starting to feel ok-ish I am reluctant to start that whole thing again!

Has anyone else had any similar experiences? Is this it for me, will I always be this way now? I feel the root cause of my problems is that I am so dreadfully homesick and perhaps this anxiety won't subside until that is rectified. I want to return to the UK but we are in the middle of a renovation and cannot sell until it's complete (cue the financial worries) and then I worry about coming home to no jobs, no house, no money blah blah blah! I'm so bored of even listening to myself I just wish I could get a grip!!

If anyone got to the bottom of this then thanks for listening lol!

30-06-15, 05:52
Hiya cattyface and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: