View Full Version : Pots ?

30-06-15, 07:51
Hi was wondering if anyone experiences the same as recently this has gotten so much worse, when I stand up or try do anything strenuous I get like a pressure type feeling where I feel slightly dizzy and my heart beats really hard it's actually really starting to worry me now Iv heard about POTS disease but your heart rate is supposed to increase by 30 beats per min upon standing which mine dosent it just feels like it's going to come out my chest, had my blood pressure taken yesterday and was 120/80 my normal resting pulse is 70 but I just can't seem to function with this thinking I'm going to collapse any min I feel so bad

18-07-15, 08:30
I think its probably stress related. You should look into other possibilities. It may not be POTs but it could be something else to do with blood flow.

I would get it investigated just to make sure to rule out other causes.

Look after yourself


19-07-15, 07:35
Thanks for reply, been to doc so many times and all they say is down to anxiety, as long As they know your hearts ok they don't bother looking into anything else

09-08-15, 18:21
when i sitting in the chair i got like 80bpm if i make a fast move and get up quick.
my heart goes up to 130-140.
i think its due to a fast reaction in order to maintain the blood pressure under
normal levels and prevent fainting.

our nervous system is smarter than you think...