View Full Version : No job, away from home, feeling depressed

30-06-15, 12:04
I have recently moved in with my long distance boyfriend, he lives in the north of England and I live in the south. I took a gamble and decided to move up the country because I couldn't handle the distance any longer. At first it was a novelty and I loved being with him all the time with no restrictions. Don't get me wrong, I love him so much and I want us to have a future together, living together is no strain on us as a couple and everything has worked out in that sense. However he goes to work every morning and comes home after 6pm, I left my job to come up here (yes I took a gamble) and joined an agency, to start with, I got quite a lot of work but now as its getting closer to the summer holidays (it's a school agency), I haven't been getting anything.

Everyday I am by myself, my friends and family are back home so there's nobody to go and have coffee with. As I have no job, I have no money either.

Fortunately I have a full time job starting in September, but that's a long way off. I feel depressed, anxious and tearful everyday. I feel like I spend my days waiting for him to come home from work :(

30-06-15, 13:59
Firstly, keep in mind that actually September isn't that far away. A couple of months will fly by.

Secondly, go easy on yourself. Uping sticks and relocating is a tough time for most people - and the adjustment can take a good while. You have been kept busy on/off till now but be kind to yourself, be OK with feeling a bit disorientated for a bit but think about this - it actually takes courage...real courage... to do what you did. Not everyone is brave enough to follow their heart like you did and make a move in pursuit of happiness. Pat yourself on the back and feel better about the fact that you have hidden strength that maybe even you didn't realise you had.

Lastly, maybe some practicle advice... meeting new people and carving out a life seperate to your partner's is hard to do - and it might take a bit more of that courage (which you already know you have in you) to accomplish, but it can be done. I would do a bit of googling and take a look around the area about whether there are any charity or volunteering jobs you could do for a few weeks, to tide you over. You'll be out, meeting and interacting with people. Or even some other paid temp jobs over the summer. Teaching may stop, but a lot of other things kick in to action in the summer months. Cafe's, bars and shops often take on summer staff and that would be a great way to earn money and meet people. Even just hitting the town with some CVs in your hand will get you out of the house and make you feel a bit more positive than you do now - even if nothing actually comes up!

Also - Skype - skype some friends, skype some family. Seeing a friendly familiar face and a good chat for a few minutes will do wonders for you.

Has your boyfriend taken time to show you his part of the country yet? Maximise the weekends, plan things to do and see - get him to give you a tour of things in the nearby areas. Give yourself something to look forward to, to get through the week days until you start work.

Hope you feel better soon and goodluck for the job in Sept! Between now and then, aim to become the best version of yourself you can be. A move is often a chance to reinvent yourself a little bit :yesyes: