View Full Version : Really hate it so much!!!!!

30-06-15, 19:30
I honestly cannot express how much I hate my anxiety, I was focused on my throat gums as mouth cancer that has now gone away apart from when I get the odd ulcer and I panic lol but I am obsessed with checking my moles and I was extremely worried to the point where I would wake up every morning first thing and All I'd think about is this mole that was irregular and not round and I showed 2 doctors on to different occasions in 2 weeks who both said its fine and doctor Google is nearly always wrong etc, and now I don't even think about that mole and now I see on my leg a large different colour mole and now I'm in panic mode with that, I hate it what am I supposed to do go doctors for every odd mole I see or risk not going and it being something serious why do I even think like this I never used to wouldn't of crossed my mind I hate hte hate it

30-06-15, 19:45
You sound like me, I also have gone through the mouth cancer fear and am often stressing over moles. When I find one that I think is suspicious I feel sick with fear. I had a horrible one on my back recently and I was virtually writing my will, I was so so sure that it was cancerous. Looking at it I couldn't see how it could be anything else, but when I rushed to the Dr he wasn't the slightest bit concerned and said it was just a normal mole with a bit of dry skin around it. It's so hard being stuck in this cycle. When you're not in it, you rationally think to yourself that next time you will stay calm and not rush to the Dr but when the fear strikes it's all I can do to wait until the next morning to get an emergency appointment. Then afterwards I feel like an idiot.

30-06-15, 19:47
I understand how you feel. I have been particularly bad about checking my breasts lately and went to doctors only yesterday. My husband was really annoyed with me all day because I had given in to it and is still a bit cool with me today. Even after being married to me for 43 years he doesn't understand it.

30-06-15, 20:25
It's absolitely horrible you try and say your be calm but as soon as something seems odd it sends you into panic mode makes you feel sick and scared and don't wanna die or go through all operations etc haha, and yes people who don't suffer from it don't understand it especially if there normal and don't worry like us, I cannot wait to start my cbt threapy hope it helps I have had enough of this now I have the tablets to start but don't wanna be on them much rather try kick it with cbt first , I feel absolutely stupid don't know why I bother to obsess and look for things , I hate it so much wish I could rewind time and never of got in this stupid habit , living the fear everytime cannot be healthy for us

01-07-15, 01:08
Hi! You know I understand about the mole thing cos you've helped me in the past couple of days! I am still waiting to get some removed though, might go private if NHS don't hurry up... Anyway, I just wanted to say that medication is not as scary as it might seem. Yes you might have a couple of side effects but for me the benefits have always outweighed them. Anti depressants can really change people's lives and if you're suffering that much ( the sick feeling of dread that I get too) then it might be worth giving them a go, even just while you're waiting for cbt. I'm on the waiting list for cbt too and I'm on sertraline to help me until then. Remember - you don't deserve to feel the way you do!!

01-07-15, 07:13
That is the tablets I got in the cuboard as doctors gave me i got my first appointment 13th of July just hope it helps or I will Take the tabs it's horrible feeling like it and worrying and obsessing over the moles and other things, I just feel so weak when I worry and I want to seek the reasurance to know I will be ok, then I'm sure I'll move on to something else again horrible cycle

01-07-15, 09:10
I haven't been through CBT but my sister has and she found it very helpful. I've also read a lot about it and hope to give it a go myself.

Keep in mind tha CBT is an amazing tool, but I'm told it takes work and it also takes time for the effects to take hold. And it does help if you go in to CBT feeling as calm and positive as possible. As ironic as it is, many people who go in to CBT are often in bad situations and are nearing the end of their tether - however going into CBT like this, or with any sense of desperation for it magically solve things may actually be counter-productive. Because those feelings are often accompanied by masked negative thoughts and fears of failure that you could attach to your time CBT, and actually end up making it less effective.

I would never push anyone to take meds they didn't want to, but I do kinda agree with Help1989's point.... consider the fact that medication may actually make you feel a little better, brighter and possibly give you the mental boost you need to go into CBT positively, put it to use and get the most out of your time.

01-07-15, 19:08
I cannot wait for the cbt this hot weather, is making me a right nut nut I'm only 26 and I'm worrying about every mole and putting on sun screen every 2 hours lol I never used to be like this hope I can sort myself out have had enough every mole I'm asking my mrs if it's ok she's fed up with it I feel like a absolute freak don't know how I have got this stupid cancer fear

01-07-15, 20:20
You sound like me! I've been putting so much sunscreen on and keep asking others if they've got factor 30 on! My other half thinks I'm going mad probably because I used to love sunbathing! I know sunscreen is sensible but I've gone from not worrying about it to obsessive. :doh:

01-07-15, 21:01
Haha snap, factor 50 for me haha how old are u help1989? Mad isn't it's like a ocd feel like a absolute nutter haha I never ever used to be obsessive especially not abou my skin anything unusual that on my body I oanic lol google gave me too much Infor that messed me up and made me panic lol

02-07-15, 10:06
I'm 25! Until last year I would be the first person out in the sun but now I sit there worrying that one of my newer moles is because of this so I cover up! My dad thinks I'm mad when I turn up in jeans and long sleeves to sit outside haha.

02-07-15, 10:29
I haven't been through CBT but my sister has and she found it very helpful. I've also read a lot about it and hope to give it a go myself.

Keep in mind tha CBT is an amazing tool, but I'm told it takes work and it also takes time for the effects to take hold. And it does help if you go in to CBT feeling as calm and positive as possible. As ironic as it is, many people who go in to CBT are often in bad situations and are nearing the end of their tether - however going into CBT like this, or with any sense of desperation for it magically solve things may actually be counter-productive. Because those feelings are often accompanied by masked negative thoughts and fears of failure that you could attach to your time CBT, and actually end up making it less effective.

I would never push anyone to take meds they didn't want to, but I do kinda agree with Help1989's point.... consider the fact that medication may actually make you feel a little better, brighter and possibly give you the mental boost you need to go into CBT positively, put it to use and get the most out of your time.

Another excellent post, Frenchy! :yesyes:

I think you will find you take to CBT very easily as you understand a lot about your thoughts already.

02-07-15, 10:36
Frenchy, keep in mind, not all CBT is CBT, try to find a complete program. A complete program will take six month to a year and likely spend a lot of time on core beliefs. You are intelligent, I think you could do it on your own.

02-07-15, 14:54
I know how you feel. Ive been putting on the factor 50 & putting plasters on my mole that is under my arm to keep it out of thd sun ( im laughing at myself as i write that) but if i dont it sets me off panicing. Im going to ask the dr about cbt tomorrow when i go about something else

02-07-15, 17:06
Haha we are all mad as a box of frogs sometimes with the things we are scared off and way we act lol, I hate being nuts lol sometimes I'm fine and sometimes I go in panic mode but I do like thinking of things logical then things to seem better haha, I am gonna beat this though I cannot stand wasting life being scared of things