View Full Version : cant cope .

30-06-15, 20:04
I'm at the point right now where I'm struggling to cope with all this fearful thoughts surrounding health. I'm constantly worried about my heart even though tests came back normal in 2013 . Every day is some different symptom and its getting harder to cope. I get panic attacks aswell especially when I start getting chest pain. I try to do breathing exercises but I can't do it right which isn't helping . I'm just so tired of being scared all the time it's completely draining me. Any help or advice would be a great help.xx

30-06-15, 20:30
Think with your heart if your scared of having a heart attack if your gonna have one you will and you won't be panicking and worrying about it like you are now because It would of happens already your heart is fine but your anxiety isn't try and ask for help from your doctor ask for cbt threapy proven to be the best to help this sort of worry

30-06-15, 21:00
You could try some of the tips from top tips. Stacking and breathing works well for me so I put stacking in there.