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View Full Version : Pressure in right temple, not much pain, like someone pressing down.

30-06-15, 20:48
I've had HA on and off for the last few years. It comes and goes but has robbed me of weeks and weeks. I get so.annoyed at myself, and every set of symptoms has always gone eventually, but before they go, the worry seems to last for weeks and nearly all of them can be traced to anxiety: Dry mouth, Chest pain, neck pain, random pains, lumps and bumps, two breast lumps (turned out to be nothing), lymphoma scare (nothing wrong with me), rheumatoid arthritis (tests back clear. Pains went eventually) etc etc etc. . . But I'm in one of my 'episodes' at the moment. Can anyone advise if the following has happened to them and how long it lasted? Ive had it for two weeks. Following a bit of a stressful time, I've developed a pressure in my right temple which feels like someone is pressing down with two fingers, quite firmly every few seconds. I dont notice it as much when I'm out and about, its mainly when im sitting down/in the house. It sometimes pressures down to my eyebrow and sometimes behind my eye and down my nose. No pain. I had it about a year ago and it went after a few weeks, and the doc said it was stress the last time.
I get so obsessed with it i find it hsrd to do anything. Also, ive also noticed that if i press down on the pulse/vein above the temple, the pressure stops. Sorry, bit waffly!!! X

01-07-15, 03:34

I had it for 6 months. Does it get tighter/more pressurised when you feel anxious? The feeling was putting me into panic attacks - the kind where you just pace. It's a weird sensation - I didn't have pain either but I was very aware of the feeling. Dr told me temple is usually stress but I got more and more anxious because it was only one sided.

It has gone away now that I am obsessed with ear pressure.

I really relate to what you said about symptoms coming and going depending on how long we obsess about them. I have no medical explanation for the temple pressure so I still get anxious whenever it comes back!

01-07-15, 17:51
Hi there, thanks for sharing your experience, yes it does get a bit worse when im stressed but its there pretty much all the time, the pressure coming every few seconds, with bits of pain occasionally around my head. I try to chill out but i feel like iv gone from being happy to some limbo land where im waiting for this to go, and my life is on hold. Anyone else had.this? How do people cope witj this feeling of limbo. Is it a case of trying yo keep busy?? Is this normal feeling for HA? Might counselling help? Or antidepressants? Thanks in advance