View Full Version : It's spoiling my life, help me

30-06-15, 21:22
I have suffered from HA for as long as I can remember. I have been referred for CBT to deal with in the past but it still dominates my life.

I had been having headaches behind one eye towards the end of each day and I eventually turned up at the doctors convinced I had a brain tumour. I had a full check over and was advised that it was being caused by congestion from my hayfever. For the past couple of days these headaches have tailed off. However I have now had constant nausea for 10 days although I have only vomited once. Again this seemed to disappear but it is back again. I'm starting to think that this may be some progression of the tumor. Even though the doctor said that my headaches bore no relation to what he'd expect from a tumour. I'm now constantly googling nausea and seeing that it is a symptom of advanced cancer. I feel like I am dying. I feel so uncomfortable in myself unbalanced, panicky, sweaty, stomach in knots. I feel like I'm not communicating with my wife because I'm so caught up in this internal dialogue. I try to convince myself that I'm alright then a minute later I'm dying. Please help.

30-06-15, 21:51
I have been going through health anxiety and have at some stage over the past year I managed to convince myself I had something that was terminal. It's taken me a year to accept my condition ans finally move on with my life. I'd be happy to share my story with you if it will help in any way?

I've started writing a book about it, and have posted an extract from it on the below website. Check it out if you like, and send me an email via the website if you want to know how I managed to rid myself of it.

I hope you manage to rid yourself of it if I don't hear from you. All the best!


30-06-15, 23:07
Nausea is a sign of soooo many things, anxiety being one of them. I wouldn't assume cancer based off nausea alone as nausea could point to so many less severe conditions. Brain tumor headaches I imagine would be severe. Headaches behind the eyes point to sinus infection, congestion, and even muscular tension.