View Full Version : Told you I was ill! How I cured my inappropriate health anxiety

30-06-15, 21:25
Hi Everyone,

I recently had an epiphany that steadily reduced and eliminated my health anxiety after a year of hell which could have destroyed everything I have.

I felt like I was doomed to a life of constant worry. I have made a website detailing my story, and have started writing a book in the hope the my experiences might work for other health anxiety sufferers. I cured my inappropriate anxiety naturally, and I hope I can help you do the same. I'm not after money, I just want to know your feedback on whether you would like to know more about my story and how it might help you by being able to relate to it.

Please check out the website below:


30-06-15, 22:34
Looks good. Im curious to know what the epiphany is, or is that only if we buy the book? But theres a lot of HA about so im sure a lot of people would be interested.

30-06-15, 22:41
I'm sure something needs to be purchased..

30-06-15, 22:51
No necessary purchased, it's still a work in progress to be honest, but I wanted to get something out there to see if people would want to read any more on my experience.

For me personally, it did feel like an epiphany, it's like something in my head finally clicked, and I felt really relaxed all of a sudden, and then over time my HA steadily reduced.

I'm not after money or promising any miracle cures because they don't exist. It's just my own honest, personal story of how it worked for me, and what I went through before I realise the "cure" was inside my own head all along. I'm sure it won't work for everyone as we are all different, but if it can resonate with other sufferers on some level and help them see that there is a way out of HA in everyday life, then it is worth me finishing the book.

30-06-15, 22:54
It's great that you've beat anxiety. But can you not just tell us here now or am i missing something? Why follow a link. Share your story for others.

There are people on here who have beat anxiety and are guiding others.

30-06-15, 23:03
I just read the website and I must say I'm kind of confused I see the introduction into how you started having health anxiety, but I see nothing about how you cured it.

30-06-15, 23:43
I am confused too as there isn't much on there and is this just to sell a book?

Gary A
30-06-15, 23:50
Dangling carrots in front of desperate people and promising the world.

Nah, doesn't sound suspicious at all.

Just tell people what your "epiphany" was or take this nonsense elsewhere.

01-07-15, 17:33
Hi Gary,

If you actually read what I wrote earlier in the post, you will see that I'm not promising anything, there is no miracle cure or promises made!

I want to write a book about how I cured my own anxiety and see whether my story would relate to others. Hence why I said "I'm not after money, I just want to know your feedback on whether you would like to know more about my story and how it might help you by being able to relate to it"

01-07-15, 18:22
Perhaps you should post again once you've finished yourbook\story. And then let us hear your cure.
It willb very interesting. If you're genuine

01-07-15, 18:28
Hi Dally,

Ii'll accept that point. I have just done another post that summarises what I did to get rid of my HA, just to prove that I genuinely want to help, and am not here to annoy people with false promises.


02-07-15, 06:49
The other thread is welcome addition. You get market affiliates pretending to be sufferers in forums like this so there is going to be some suspicion about whether people are in it for the money or to help.

There is another method called "Nothing Works" that has threads on here and thats a blog that is free. So, I can't see why anyone would have an issue with what you are doing as long as its beneficial and doesn'tt promote anything potentially harmful (for instance, be waru of certain "Pillars" about GP's which I think you will understand :winks:)

---------- Post added at 06:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 ----------

Dangling carrots in front of desperate people and promising the world.

Nah, doesn't sound suspicious at all.

Just tell people what your "epiphany" was or take this nonsense elsewhere.

If only you were here a few months ago, Gary! :winks: