View Full Version : Rapid Heart Beat and Panic Attacks

30-06-15, 22:22
I've gone about seven months since my last panic attack and was just talking to the wife yesterday about how I think I've finally gotten past it. Sure, I'm still fearful they may happen and I do feel a bit on edge for most of the day, but as far as full blown attacks, I'm doing great.

Until today...

I was driving to work and all of a sudden I started getting a hot flash and my heart started racing out of control and BOOM, the panic attack was full blown. The last time this happened I called my wife and said I thought I was having a heart attack and I pulled off the road and called 911.

Today, I pulled over and started to do some controlled breathing but my heart kept racing. I have a prescription of anti anxiety meds that I keep in my car but I've only taken 1 of them in the year I've had them. When I felt my heart rate not slowing down I had to pop one and I was able to calm down and resume my day. Still feel a bit jittery at this moment, and sad that it happened, but I keep telling myself the next time it happens I'll let my heart beat as fast as it wants and let it calm down on its own.

At least I didn't have to call the ambulance and wife today, right? There's something positive to look at. Do most of you experience the hot flash with the rapid heart beat when your panic attack is about to hit? Just curious.

Much love! :hugs:

01-07-15, 01:45
No but I hear it is common. I used to get cold.

Feeling bad after taking a Valium was a very common thing with me. I hated giving in. Yet I think some times it was necessary.

01-07-15, 02:56
Hi, yes I get all hot and a tingling sensation especially on my arms. I think it's a result if the release of adrenalin. It's not a nice feeling, but as with all symptoms, it too passes. It does that quicker if I basically accept the sensations but carry on what I'm doing. Easier said then done sometimes I know.

01-07-15, 18:49
My heart doesn't race, it tends to increase a little but it does pound very hard (assume my blood pressure goes quite high, although I have never measured it during an episode) which I find very disturbing.

I have experienced both hot and cold flashes but it's more normal for me to feel cold, and I tremble a lot - especially towards the end of an attack, when the adrenaline is exiting my body.

Well done for seeing the silver lining - it is good that you didn't let it escalate the second time. What are the meds, out of interest - is it a beta blocker?

02-07-15, 06:41
You might find the spread gets higher 160/80 instead of 120/80 Still 80 is the important number. Lower number never went up much on me but the spread could be 100 and just pound.