View Full Version : When to get lymph nodes checked out?

01-07-15, 10:10
Hi, as you may have seen i have a few posts about worries of my lymph nodes, at the moment I am pretty calm about them, but I wanted to know when you should worry about them(I will not be going on google to find out!), of course none of us are doctors here but you all give good advice and have experience.

How big should a lymph node be before you should worry/get it checked?
What symptoms would you look out for with a bad lymph node?

Thanks :yesyes:

Gary A
01-07-15, 10:21
What's the point in avoiding Google then asking people what symptoms etc to look out for? Kind of defeats the purpose of not Googling, wouldn't you say?

01-07-15, 10:27
What's the point in avoiding Google then asking people what symptoms etc to look out for? Kind of defeats the purpose of not Googling, wouldn't you say?

Not really, as I am sure you know google always gives off worst case scenarios, where most people here will help to reassure you. As the many posts on this forums that tell you that (You should have a read).

If you cannot answer my questions then please take your smarty pants attitude to another thread. Cheers bud.:winks:

01-07-15, 10:35
What's the point in avoiding Google then asking people what symptoms etc to look out for? Kind of defeats the purpose of not Googling, wouldn't you say?

If you have health anxiety Googling symptoms can exacerbate anxiety tremendously. It does not give you logical answers. Hence why it is best to ask human beings rather than a machine. So, that is the point to not Googling :winks:


I think the NHS says that if you have a lymph node that has changed shape, size and density over the last two weeks then it's best to get it checked out. I am not a medical professional, however, so if it is really bothering you then get it checked out.

Gary A
01-07-15, 11:19
You asked specifically what symptoms to look out for with a "bad lymph node". If people tell you what symptoms to look out for then you'll spend your time trying to spot them on yourself. HA being what it is, you might actually bring these symptoms on yourself and then you'll just worry more.

Nothing "smarty pants" about my answer either, I genuinely believe you're just going to worry yourself either way, which goes against the grain of what this forum and page is for.

01-07-15, 13:06

Nodes and oral cancer are your illnesses du jour. I've responded to many of your posts. The rule of thumb is:

If you have a node or lesion that doesn't resolve within a few weeks, see your doctor. That being said, you have to actually have a legitimate issue in the first place. Many here mistakenly interpret what is normal to be abnormal, often poking and prodding ad nauseam until the node becomes shotty.

As I've said many times, cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. It would be quite apparent to a medical professional if something were amiss.

Knowing when to have a node checked is great but working on ways to relieve the constant worry you have about them is even better.

Positive thoughts