View Full Version : Any advice I could get

01-07-15, 12:09
So just in the last few months my anxiety has been quite high. I just recently started taking medicine again but not everyday. I got xanax from the doctor but have not taken it yet due to being scared of how it will effect my body. I've had medicine before that I was to sensitive too. I've been taking klonopin a low dose. Anyway my vision has been weird the last few weeks. Blurry, like I can't see correctly which causes more anxiety. Eye Dr said my eyes look healthy and that it's just anxiety. But it seems to bother me so much and I can get my mind off of it. My head also feels weird. Like there's a lot of pressure on it or it could blow up. Please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing these things. Any help I can get I'd appreciate. My appetite and drinking liquids has been a struggle. My eyes feel so dry I've been using eye drops to try and help as well. Thank you.

01-07-15, 13:52
You certainly are not the only one experiencing these symptoms. I do and loads of other people on here do.
I wanted to attach the symptom list link for you to see it but don't know how to do it ;-)
But rest assured these are very common anxiety symptoms x

01-07-15, 18:20
Yup I agree with Sial, I experience your symptoms too ;)

01-07-15, 21:16
If you can get it Lemon Balm tea will help.