View Full Version : Bit of a panic HIV/Hep

01-07-15, 17:24
So I feel a bit stupid posting this when I reassured a fellow poster about it a few weeks ago but I'm having a panic over possible HIV/Hep transmission,

Basically I've been doing massage as a part time course and last night I had three assessments.

One of my clients (who I might add is a regular client to the college and known to them) had quite a few health issues, blood pressure/swollen ankles etc but he also said he had very thin skin due to steroid use and I did notice he had a few scabbed areas which along with the fluid retention I avoided.

To be honest I really didn't feel comfortable doing the massage as he said he did it due to not being able to walk far and it helped with his circulation but I just felt that he had a few too many health issues and probably shouldn't be having the treatment but my lecturer overruled this and said it's fine he always comes here and is treated.

Anyway I had a finger which felt quite sore yesterday, I couldn't see anything but just along the edge of my nail felt quite tender to touch. I thoroughly checked and squeeze around the area trying to see if I had a cut or anything but couldn't see anything.

So last night I'm massaging this man's leg and I felt a rough area as I was doing so, when I looked down I noticed he had a small scab on his leg which was obviously old as I'd slightly knocked it and it had started to come off. There was no blood visible and it was tiny, underneath it just looked like fresh pink skin but today I've noticed I've got what looks like some kind of cut down the edge of my finger that was sore.

So I'm sure you know where this is going, I'm now worrying that a miniscule amount of his blood has mixed into the oil and it's got into this cut in my finger which wasn't visible yesterday but was obviously there as it was sore and I'm panicking about HIV/HEP.

The man seemed ok, I know you can't tell by looking at someone if they had it but he talked about his wife and told me how she prefers Reiki to massage and referred to them both having treatments at spas etc so he seemed ok, although he did hint about my massaging his stomach which I told him was a strict no no for a man and he said he knew that but when he'd been to Warners spas they operated differently and had done it a couple of times, so that didn't sit well but on the whole he just seemed a normal old man who liked having massages to help with his movement/circulation.

So basically do you think I should be worrying about this. My cut doesn't appear to have bled at all, I'm thinking it's probably a paper cut and was there yesterday but just not visible and now today looks a bit pink. Sorry for the ramble.

02-07-15, 15:55
Anyone? starting to worry about this I've actually emailed my lecturer now telling her my concerns :weep:

02-07-15, 16:00
There's nothing you wrote that raises a red flag at all.

Positive thoughts

02-07-15, 16:49
Thanks Fishmanpa

My lecturer just responded to say I don't need to worry as there is nothing to catch, she said he's a regular client who has thin skin due to diabetes and has blood pressure problems but they have been treating him for a long time.

Feel a bit better now. x