View Full Version : Scared of conspiracy theories even though I don't believe them?

01-07-15, 22:49

My anxiety has been fine over the last year and as the title suggests I used to call these theories bull*** and I still do but over the last couple of days I don't know what it is about it but the tpp/ ttip nwo theories have scared me ******! My panic attacks have flew through the roof and I just can't forget it and i can't calmdown.

02-07-15, 14:17
Yes I can relate to this sort of thing. I used to read a lot of conspiracy websites and forums, and I'm also concerned about the potential impact of TPP and TTIP, especially the way world politicians are being so secretive about it. I also have a fear that the world is really controlled by wealthy banks and politicians are just puppets of those. This particular fear of mine has got worse since the UK general election this year, as it seems like nearly all the government's policies are in the interests of the banks and the wealthy, rather than the interests of ordinary people. I worry this country and the wider world will become dystopian and I wish ordinary people had more control over these things.

I wish I had some answers or reassurance to give to you. I don't know anyone in real life who panics about these sorts of subjects, so it makes me feel very alone. However, I'd be happy to chat about these topics with you and exchange advice. :)