View Full Version : Chronic gas issues?

02-07-15, 16:01
Hey all, I am just wondering how many suffer with nearly constant colon (as opposed to actual stomach upset) gas? I was doing fine just thinking I was a gassy person, then I saw some dang public service advert about colon cancer and sort of freaked out.

I have no other symptoms, but have near constant gas after meals, pretty much no matter what I eat. Not so much gas pain (easy to pass it, sorry if that is TMI). I have been like this for a few years, no other real symptoms (other than the usual anxiety stuff), should I be worried enough to get this checked out, or is it pretty safe to write it off to being a nervous person?

02-07-15, 20:50
Hi, I have suffered with the same thing for years. Have had colonoscopy etc. but they say I just have a very active bowel. Sometimes it is quite embarrassing because even if I laugh I can pass wind very loudly.

04-07-15, 09:56
If it has been an issue for you for a long time, with no other issues then it's not colon cancer.

Be grateful that you have a constant source of entertainment for small children.