View Full Version : help i cant cope!

02-07-15, 21:39
Basically I've had health anxiety for 2 years and been able to cope relatively well, butin the past month my anxiety has hit the roof and I can barely go out or do anything more than walk to the loo pr downstairs for a drink. I know I've been under alot of stress recently due to moving house and losing my first child but I've calmed down since that but the anxiety persists. Is their anything I can do to vdt over it? I cant eat properly, sleep properly or go ut cause of it. Its slowly ruining my life :(

02-07-15, 21:53
You have had a lot of high stress situations recently which can trigger anxiety. Are you having any counselling to help you with this?

02-07-15, 21:56
Hi there
So sorry about everything you are going through.
Have you tried anything to help with the anxiety...exercise, yoga, some forn of therapy?
Sending you hugs x

03-07-15, 02:09
Hiya I've had no councelling yet, I've had it loads growing up but not in a few years. I did put in for some but still waiting for an appointment. I've tried everything I could self help wise, specially after the doctor prescribed me citalopram and propranolol and I was too scared to take them. I've even tried herbal remedies and meditation to no avail. Its like my minds telling me I have to live with it. It's got to the point were I cant eat certain foods or drinks cause it sets me off being anxious all day. Its like I'm constantly fighting a loosing battle with my mind and the physical aspects of anxiety.

03-07-15, 06:38
Bless your heart. You can get through this. Ive never lost a child but ive lost both my parents at an early age, and I can tell you therapy helps alot. Its always nice to have that person to talk to. I get bad anxiety when it comes to any type of change be it housing job even my vehicle. No matter how hopeless you feel you have to stay positive. You have to keep moving. Keep telling yourself you will be happy and feel normal again because truthfully you will. You have to have hope in life because without it we are lost. I tend to use guided meditations on youtube. Some guy named jason hes Australian. Im not trying to advertise but I like him and hes good for beginners like me. No matterhow much you dont fwel like it try to do things that you use to do it will help. Stay positive and have hope :hugs: