View Full Version : 'dizzy' 'off balance' feeling! reassurance please :(

02-07-15, 23:12
Basically my anexity started 2 years ago.. due to a death in out family. I'm obsessed with my health...especially my head that always seems to be the problem I've had serious trouble in the past with making myself dizzy and off balance from worrying to much..i got over It and I've been fine for ages apart from the odd dizzy spell that I just ignore as a woman I think we all get them due to hormones ect... This week it's been rather hot here and the other day I had a flush of dizziness in seconds it was gone but after that I didn't feel 100% right in my head for a few hours... anyway now it's starting agen my anexity with my head is back and I'm constantly feeling 'dizzy' or 'off balanced' I don't want to go through this agen constantly worrying its a brain tumour or something..not sleeping isn't helping me neither but I just can't settle.. as a 19 year old I'm finding it really hard don't want to go back to how bad I use to be but I'm seriously struggling.. i decided to write this as I usually get abit of comfort from someone who can reassure me and knows exactly what I'm feeling & going through wich most people don't unless you suffer yourself. Sorry for the essay I just feel so lost agen 😢😢

03-07-15, 00:56
Are you drinking enough in this hot weather? You could be dehydrated.

03-07-15, 10:37
---------- Post added at 10:36 ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 ----------

I don't know I don't drink alot anyway But I've been trying to drink more.. problem is I still don't know if that's enough xxx

03-07-15, 18:30
Hi, you just described exactly what I was experiencing a few months ago. I was getting very bad dizzy spells and just felt "off" and I had no idea what was causing it. I went to the doctor, got blood work done, etc and everything was normal but my gp did say that I had orthostatic hypotension, which is where your blood pressure drops upon standing. The dr said this was probably making me dizzy. I'm pretty sure it was just my anxiety though because the dizziness went away soon after. I'm sore it's nothing bad, this just happens sometimes. You'd be surprised with the number of symptoms anxiety can cause. The more you concentrate on it the worse it will be. Every time you get a dizzy spell, tell yourself "this is not a brain tumor" and try to take your mind off it. By telling yourself that you are okay, you are counteracting your fears of a brain tumor. Make sure you are drinking enough, because this could very easily be the issue as well:)

04-07-15, 09:59
All good advice. Especially the bit about it being an anxiety symptom. Been there.