View Full Version : Is it just the meds?

03-07-15, 14:48
Having had quite severe panic attacks previously, I have been put on 10mg of Citalopram and I've been given sleeping tablets and diazepam to take along side it. The doctor told me that it was increase my anxiety before it made it better, but she said that on 10mg it was unlikely that I'd get any side effects at all. This is my 4th day of taking it and the last few days have been unbearable. I've been constantly shaking and my heart racing, anything from riding public transport to sitting alone in my bed has set me off. I've had 2 trips to A&E and I constantly feel like something's wrong. I feel like everything's fuzzy and not real, I can't sleep at night because I wake up having a full blown panic attack and then I can't stop crying for about 2 hours. It's starting to annoy my boyfriend who can't leave me alone every night. I'm getting weird/negative thoughts and I constantly feel like everyone's conspiring against me. When I went back to the doctor she told me that I should stick it out and wait to see if the medication makes it any better. At the moment I'm struggling so much I want to give up, is it just the meds making me feel like this and does it get any better? :weep:

03-07-15, 15:05
Your doctor is right. When i started mine it took a week before i started to calm a little. For that first 7 or so days i dont think i spoke more than 10 words, i was just so down and out but it WILL pass please be assured of that.

Tablets like ours dont work straight away like a pain killer. Citalopram was a life saver to me, stick with it. So much so im considering going back on them after 8 months off them.

Your boyfriend has a part to play in this. Explain to him it will take time and he has to be patient with you.

03-07-15, 15:50
Your doctor is right. When i started mine it took a week before i started to calm a little. For that first 7 or so days i dont think i spoke more than 10 words, i was just so down and out but it WILL pass please be assured of that.

Tablets like ours dont work straight away like a pain killer. Citalopram was a life saver to me, stick with it. So much so im considering going back on them after 8 months off them.

Your boyfriend has a part to play in this. Explain to him it will take time and he has to be patient with you.

Thank you so much for this, it's definitely what I needed to hear. I was feeling so alone in all of this as I don't know anyone who has had the same experience or they are taking different meds.

I had spoken to my boyfriend about it, he continuously gets frustrated with me as I get into a state, he gets angry that I don't listen to him. Its hard to listen to him when my head is spinning and I can't breathe.

Thank you for the reassurance

03-07-15, 16:01
Yep, it was Paroxetine with me, but the same issue - always gets a bit worse before it finally calms down.
Keep that in mind as you ride it out :)

03-07-15, 16:12
Yep, it was Paroxetine with me, but the same issue - always gets a bit worse before it finally calms down.
Keep that in mind as you ride it out :)

Thank you so much :D

06-07-15, 00:21
I honestly hate taking anti anxiety meds :( I am sorry. I am on the same boat as you, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 14, so almost 10 years! Sometimes I think it would be best to just give up and die but I know its not the correct answer. It has been almost a month since my last panic attack and I used to have them almost every day!

There are a few exercises you can use to help control the panic and anxiety, they have helped out tremendously for me. They do not cure you by any means but it does help.

Take a look at <removed>

its a good read :) hope I was helpful and remember that you are not alone.

Hello Snoopy Drew,

Back to sell your products again are you?

How many times have you been banned for it now? 6 times?

No doubt we will see you back again with another username soon given your lack of morals. Trying to take advantage of the vulnerable for the price of $59.99.

:busted::nicked: & :finger: