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03-07-15, 20:14
I had head pains not headaches but a dull pain in my head. Last year. I had a brain scan almost a year ago to the day. I worried and fretted for a week. That I exhausted myself. I thought everything was Ok. It kinda was. I didn't hear anything from the consultant, so I thought no news is good news. I finally saw the consultant three months later. I had brain lesions. But none with inflammation so it ruled out MS. Which was the primary reason for the MRI. I had a battery of blood tests. All came out clear. I have the lesions but I am fine in the head :-)

Now the new problem or old problem getting worse. My rightside abdo, back and navel pain. I am going for another MRI a year after my head MRI.

I spent a months fretting. My symptoms have gotten worse. I have been looking at cancer websites. I spend time thinking how long do I have. Thinking about my funeral, having such bad panic attacks I can't stay on my own. The fear of increasing pain. Leaving my partner who I adore and my mother. I know I have wasted time. I believe the fear is actually worse than the symptoms.

As much as I know I am NOT in control of my body - what goes on inside it. I can control what I accept as truth. I am frightened. I am scared. I know my partner is too. This time. But I will try to train my mind not to focus on symptoms (even thought rather than a scared mature :) woman. The next few weeks again for me is another time for my mind to go on a frenzy. I know it's natural to worry. But I hope whatever the news I learn to accept and enjoy my life, mind and body.

04-07-15, 11:18
It doesn't sound like cancer , don't be looking at then websites , you will be fine

04-07-15, 17:44
Thank you.:)

I have been told that they are symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I had the CT scan this morning. Now is the waiting game.

I wore my favourite dress and had big slice of carrot cake (trying to reduce my sugar intake). To help boost my confidence and alleviate some of the fear. I must admit I acted like a scared baby when I saw the scanner and had a panic attack and have had another since.

I know my symptoms are real. I really wish that my mind would stop trying to kill me and marry my partner off.

04-07-15, 21:06
you dont have , pancreatic cancer either, Theres many things that can be, Please dont worry these are so rare, and theres atleast 18 different things that can be a sign of pancreatic cancer and thats only from the top of my head you dont have it ,