View Full Version : kidney function

03-07-15, 22:00
has anyone had a low kidney function in blood tests..mine was 58 but could have been dehydrated..
gina x

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------


03-07-15, 22:47
What did the doctor say?

03-07-15, 23:11
He said not to worry could have been dehydrated on day of tests. Test again in 6 weeks

03-07-15, 23:28
Ok well there you go then nothing to worry about

04-07-15, 20:26
I worry cos I got this ibad anxiety.anyone else had bad kidney results

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

Anyone??? Would be grateful of response. Thankyou xx

05-07-15, 08:17
I did and becau of dehydration u retested and all wpas fine do u drink enough

05-07-15, 18:40
Thanks becky. What did it go down to ? And did it go back up much? Dr thinks I was dehydrated. How long did you wait to be retested? Thanks Gina x

05-07-15, 18:41
being dehydrated effects the body so much, Especially mainly the kidneys, You need to be having atleast 4litres of water a day to function to your natural healthy self:ohmy:

05-07-15, 19:46
thankyou ..i certainly never drank that amount ... si think maybe dehydration ..was just worried it wouldn't go up again...but if i keep hydrated it should..i was worried i had damaged my kidneys but dr thinks was not drinking enough..had a horrid indian dr who told me my results and all he said was its age related but when i asked another gp he asked how much i had to drink day before and day of and i reckoned about 2.5 pints day before and did not have time on the day of tests to get hydrated as i slept in and drank nothing before hand.. it has really worried me as my results have always been spot on..also i had ibs flare ..thanks for listening..gina x

05-07-15, 19:57
You have answered this yourself by saying you got out of bed without drinking all night and then still without drinking went for the blood test, I am amazed they could even get any blood out of you as you would have been so dehydrated!!

We need to drink a pint of fluid after a night sleep to just replace what we have lost overnight so what you did would have a massive effect on the test results.

Make sure you drink alot more every day now until your next test and have a pint of fluid about an hour before the blood test so you know you are as hydrated as you can be.

I am sure you will be amazed at the improvement in your test if you do.

05-07-15, 20:28
thank you ..it means so much to get this advice as yesterday i was in melt down ...thought it wouldn't go up again..have been drinking loads the last few days ..was scared even to take a glass of wine but my old practice nurse told me as long as i drink extra thats ok...my results have always been really great ..got another test in 6 weeks...bur dr who told me told me so badly i freaked

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

also had a urine infection 5 days before my test..my nice dr checked it again on fri and it was fine...

05-07-15, 20:38
I know exactly what you mean about abrupt Drs who don't explain things. I had an echo of my heart last year and the Dr who I struggled to understand said I had borderline diasystolic function and that it would need rechecking every few years, cue panic from me but my normal GP went " oh yes most people have this its just the ultrasounds can now see things that they couldn't years ago. They don't even know if its of any importance". Then I saw specialist cardiologist and when I mentioned the result he said oh you can ignore that your echo was really good. the original Dr was just a general medical Dr and not a heart Dr.

05-07-15, 20:49
i know... he was indian and told me in future i need to phone surgery and if he thinks i neeed to see him he will phone me..thats the way he deals with anxiety..i went to the other practice and seen another dr he was brill and explained it all and was apalled at how i was treated..he tested my urine and i have to send a test away as i had a uti and this was not done..then he said probably i had not drank enough for test..but i went into meltdown yesterday as i could not stop crying...i phoned my retired practice nurse first question she asked was i dehydrated as this would influence test..she told me to drink at least 2 litres a day and if i had acouple of glasses of wine then drink extra water..i was really releived xx

05-07-15, 22:40
Im not sure what mine went down to but when u went again bout two months time all was be to normal

05-07-15, 22:42
Thanks Beckie can you remember if it as below 60?