View Full Version : Help new to panic attacks post miscarriage no 3

01-02-07, 00:52

Im sat up at 12.47 because since Thursday of last week when I was told I was about to lose my third pregnancy in 10 months I have been having trouble breathing at bedtime.

A vein has come up on the back of my leg and i have convinced myself I have DVT as at night I cant breath my blood seems to be pumping irregular I can hear my heart in my ears, my legs hurt my chest hurts.....

My husband took me to A and E on thursday and Sat as I have been having a really painful miscarriage but i went beacuse i was panicking that i was about to die.

I have never experienced this in my life b4, I am so tired and need to rest but I can't.

Anyone esle experienced this after stress

01-02-07, 12:52
Hi, what have they said at a&e when you were taken there?Ihad a blood clot once in my leg, very painful indeed, yet my leg was "solid"rock hard. they gave me a warfrin injection, and sent me for a scan, but by the time i had the scan, the warfrin had had it,s effect and they could not find any clot. well they would,nt when i had been waiting for 4 hours to have the scan in the first place. get it checked out, is this causing you to miscarry.?

01-02-07, 15:00
Hello Stacca
So sorry to hear your awful news.
How are you feeling now? What have the Dr's said about the vein? The other symptons do sound panic related so try not to worry about those as they will pass.

Withe regard to your sad news about the miscarriage I understand that after 3 miscarriages you can see a consultant to just check out that you are ok and to discuss what you have been through - so please ask about that.


01-02-07, 17:12
Hello Stacca,

Have they said at the hospital what the problem is with your leg? If it was a clot I would have thought they would have put you on a drip to get rid of it which is what happened to me. I am so sorry to hear about the miscarriages, as someone who has had 5 miscarriages I totally understand. After 3 miscarriages your GP should refer you to a consultant for you to get checked out, mine did, I had a problem and had treatment and have a 21 year old son now. I hope this helps and you are soon feeling better.

Sandra x

02-02-07, 22:49
Sorry to hear of your losses hun. I suffered a late miscarriage 2years ago, and mid last year the anxiety kicked in. Its not surprising at all, considering all you have been through.
I would tell your consultant your concerns, it may be that you are panicking that there is something wrong with you because you have lost 3 babies, and you need something to blame it on.
Get yourself checked out, and as others have said you will now be seen by a consultant to rule out any other problems.
I hope you are ok. x x x

"Smile Like You Mean It"